(a) What are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores? Give two examples of each.
(b) Classify the following into herbivores, carnivores and omnivores: Lion, Man, Dog, Goat, Crow, Elephant, Snake, Hawk, Rabbit, Deer
(c) Name the five steps which occur in the process of nutrition in animals.

(a) Herbivores are those animals that feed on plants, leaves, fruits, and other natural products for their food.
 Example: Cow and Sheep.
Carnivores are those animals that feed on other animals.
Example: Lion and Shark.
Omnivores are those animals that feed on both plants and animals for their food.
Example: Rats and Bear.

 Lion Carnivores


 Dog Omnivores
 Goat Herbivores
 Crow Omnivores
 Elephant Herbivores
Snake Carnivores
Hawk Carnivores
Rabbit Herbivores


(c) The five steps of nutrition in the correct sequence are: 
1) Ingestion - It includes the processes that take place while the food is in the mouth also known as a buccal cavity and swallowing of the food - which sends it onward down the digestive tract.
2) Digestion - It is the process of breaking down food into simpler substances that can then be absorbed and assimilated into the tissues of the body.
3) Absorption - The digested food is absorbed into the bodily fluids from the alimentary canal. 
4) Assimilation -It is the process by which chemicals from food are taken into the cells of the body after digestion and absorption. 
5) Egestion - It is the process of removing the undigested food material from the body through the anus.
(Refer image for more information)

Updated on: 27-Mar-2023


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