A picture is painted on a cardboard 8 cm long and 5 cm wide such that there is a margin of 1.5 cm along each of its sides. Find the total area of the margin.

Given :

The length of the cardboard $= 8 cm$

The breadth of the cardboard $= 5 cm$

Width of the margin $= 1.5 cm$

To do :

We have to find the total area of the margin.

Solution :

This implies,

Length of the inner rectangle $= 8-(1.5+1.5) cm = (8-3) cm = 5 cm$

Breadth of the inner rectangle $= 5-(1.5+1.5) cm = (5-3) cm = 2 cm$

Area of the margin $=$ Area of outer rectangle $-$ Area of the inner rectangle.

We know that,

The area of a rectangle of length l and breadth b is $l \times b$.


Area of the margin $= (8\times 5) sq.cm - (5\times 2) sq.cm. = (40-10) sq.cm. = 30 sq.cm$.

The total area of the margin is $30 cm^2$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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