openSquat – Domain Squatting and Phishing Watchdog

In this tutorial, we will explore the openSquat tool, which serves as a powerful domain squatting and phishing watchdog. openSquat is built using the Python programming language, specifically leveraging its rich ecosystem and powerful libraries. Python provides a flexible and user-friendly environment for developing security-related applications. Additionally, openSquat utilizes various modules such as `whois`, `requests`, `tldextract`, and `BeautifulSoup` to extract and analyze relevant information about domain names.

In this tutorial, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of using openSquat to monitor domains, detect potential squatting or phishing attempts, analyze domain information, and take appropriate action to safeguard your online identity.

Installation and Setup

To get started with openSquat, you need to follow the below steps −

  • Install Python âˆ’ If you don't already have Python installed, head over to the official Python website ( and download the latest version compatible with your operating system. Python provides cross-platform support, making it accessible to users on various platforms.

  • Install Required Packages âˆ’ openSquat relies on a few external packages. These packages can be easily installed using the pip package manager, which comes bundled with Python. Open a terminal or command prompt and execute the following commands to install the required packages:

pip install whois
pip install requests
pip install tldextract
pip install beautifulsoup4

By installing these packages, we ensure that openSquat has access to the necessary functionality and can perform domain analysis effectively.

  • Download openSquat âˆ’ You can obtain the openSquat source code from its official GitHub repository. GitHub provides a convenient way to access and manage open-source projects. Download the repository as a ZIP file or clone it using the following command:

git clone

Once you have downloaded or cloned the repository, you will have access to the openSquat source code and can proceed with the setup.

  • Navigate to the Project Directory âˆ’ After downloading openSquat, navigate to the project directory using the command prompt or terminal:

cd opensquat

By navigating to the project directory, we ensure that we are in the correct location to run openSquat and perform the desired actions.

Utilizing OpenSquat

In this section, we will explore the functionalities of openSquat and demonstrate how it can be used to detect domain squatting and phishing attempts.

1. Domain Monitoring

One of the critical features of openSquat is its ability to monitor specific domains for any changes or suspicious activities. This feature is particularly useful for tracking your own domains or domains of interest. Consider the below code for domain monitoring, using openSquat âˆ’

# Import the necessary modules
import openSquat

# Initialize the openSquat object
squat = openSquat.openSquat()

# Set the domain to monitor
domain = ""

# Start monitoring

In the above code snippet, we import the openSquat module and create an instance of the openSquat class. We then specify the domain we want to monitor and initiate the monitoring process using the `monitor_domain()` method. This method continuously checks the specified domain for any changes, such as DNS record modifications or changes in WHOIS information.

2. Domain Squatting Detection

Domain squatting is a practice where individuals or organizations register domain names that are similar to well-known brands or trademarks with the intention of profiting from the brand's reputation. openSquat can analyze domain names and detect potential squatting attempts. Consider the below code for domain squatting, using openSquat âˆ’

# Import the necessary modules
import openSquat

# Initialize the openSquat object
squat = openSquat.openSquat()

# Set the domain to check
domain = ""

# Check for squatting
squatting_status = squat.detect_squatting(domain)

# Display the result
if squatting_status:
    print("Potential squatting detected!")
    print("No squatting detected.")

In the above code snippet, we import the openSquat module and create an instance of the openSquat class. We then specify the domain we want to check for squatting using the `detect_squatting()` method. The method performs various checks and analyses to determine if the domain is potentially involved in squatting activities. The method returns a boolean value indicating whether squatting is detected or not.

3. Phishing Detection

Phishing is a malicious activity where attackers attempt to trick users into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card details, by posing as a trustworthy entity. openSquat can check if a domain is potentially involved in phishing activities. Consider the below code for detecting phishing attempts, using openSquat âˆ’

# Import the necessary modules
import openSquat

# Initialize the openSquat object
squat = openSquat.openSquat()

# Set the domain to check
domain = ""

# Check for phishing
phishing_status = squat.detect_phishing(domain)

# Display the result
if phishing_status:
    print("Potential phishing detected!")
    print("No phishing detected.")

In the above code snippet, we import the openSquat module and create an instance of the openSquat class. We then specify the domain we want to check for phishing using the `detect_phishing()` method. The method performs various checks, including analyzing the domain's content and structure, to identify potential phishing attempts. The method returns a boolean value indicating whether phishing is detected or not.


In this tutorial, we have explored openSquat, a powerful domain squatting and phishing watchdog. We discussed the technologies used, including Python and various Python modules, and provided step-by-step instructions on how to use openSquat to monitor domains, detect potential squatting or phishing attempts, analyze domain information, and take action when necessary. By incorporating openSquat into your online security practices, you can enhance your protection against domain-related threats and ensure a safer online presence.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2023


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