Multiple Relation Queries and JOIN Ordering

Multiple relation queries and JOIN ordering are crucial components of modern database management systems (DBMSs). The execution of multiple relation queries can be challenging because they involve multiple tables, and the order of JOIN operations can affect query performance significantly. Query optimization is a vital aspect of DBMS, as it ensures that queries are executed efficiently.

In this article, we will discuss challenges of executing multiple relation queries, techniques for optimizing JOIN ordering, factors that affect JOIN ordering, best practices for optimizing multiple relation queries, and JOIN ordering, and examples of optimization.


Multiple relation queries involve the execution of queries that involve multiple tables in a database. JOIN operations are used to combine related tables into a single result set. A JOIN operation combines columns from two or more tables into a single table, based on a related column between the tables. The challenges associated with multiple relation queries and JOIN ordering arise because there are different ways to execute the queries, and the execution order of JOIN operations can significantly affect query performance. Query optimization is a technique used to select the most efficient execution plan for a query.


Executing multiple relation queries can be challenging because the query optimizer must determine the most efficient execution plan for the query. The order of JOIN operations can significantly impact query performance, and selecting the optimal order can be a complex process. The join selectivity, data size, and distribution, and access path are some of the factors that can affect the performance of multiple relation queries and JOIN ordering.

Techniques for Optimizing

Optimizing multiple relation queries and join ordering is an essential task in relational database management systems to ensure efficient and fast query processing. Here are some techniques for optimizing multiple relation queries and join ordering −


Creating indexes on columns used in join conditions to retrieve data quickly.


Maintaining statistics on tables to estimate the number of rows retrieved and choose the most efficient join order.

Query Rewrite

Rewriting queries to eliminate unnecessary joins or reduce intermediate results for improved performance.

Join Ordering

Choosing the most efficient join order based on estimated costs of each join.

Materialized Views

Precomputed results stored in the database to reduce computation at query time.


Splitting large tables into smaller pieces to reduce the amount of data processed for each query.

Parallel Query Processing

Allowing multiple processors to work on a query simultaneously for improved performance.

Factors that Affect JOIN Ordering

Join ordering is the process of selecting the order in which to join tables in a query to minimize the overall cost of the query. Several factors affect join ordering, including −

Join Types

The type of join used in the query can affect join ordering. For example, a left outer join may be more efficient if it is performed before a right outer join.

Table Size

The size of each table in the query can affect join ordering. Joining smaller tables before larger tables can be more efficient.

Join Cardinality

The number of rows that match in each table for a given join condition can affect join ordering. Joining tables with a high cardinality first can be more efficient.

Join Selectivity

The selectivity of a join condition, or the number of rows that match the condition, can also affect join ordering. Joining tables with more selective join conditions first can be more efficient.


The existence of indexes on the join columns can affect join ordering. Joining tables with indexed columns first can be more efficient.


The hardware on which the database is running can affect join ordering. Different join orders may be more efficient on different hardware configurations.

Query Optimization Goals

The goals of the query optimization process can affect join ordering. For example, if the goal is to minimize disk I/O, join ordering may be different than if the goal is to minimize CPU usage.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices for multiple relation queries and join ordering −

  • Start with a simple query

  • Optimize the query structure

  • Use efficient join types

  • Create indexes

  • Update statistics

  • Avoid unnecessary joins

  • Use query hints

  • Test the query

  • Consider partitioning

  • Monitor query performance

By following these best practices, database administrators can ensure that their queries run efficiently and quickly, even when working with large, complex data sets.

Examples of Multiple Relation Queries and JOIN Ordering Optimization

To illustrate how query optimization works. Consider a query that involves three tables: orders, customers, and products. The query requires joining the three tables. It obtains the customer name and the product name for each order. To optimize the query, the query optimizer must consider the size of each table, the join selectivity, and the access path. By selecting the appropriate access paths and join order, the query optimizer can significantly improve query performance.


Multiple relation queries and JOIN ordering are essential components of modern database management systems. Query optimization is critical in ensuring that queries are executed efficiently, and several techniques can be used to optimize JOIN ordering. The factors that affect JOIN ordering include join selectivity, data size, and distribution, and access path. By following best practices and using appropriate techniques, DBMS administrators can optimize multiple relation queries and JOIN ordering, resulting in improved query performance and faster query execution times.

Updated on: 17-May-2023


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