List Key Differences between Keyword Queries and Database Queries

When faced with knowledge gaps, our innate reaction is to utilize search engines as a source of information. This is because we're well aware that the answers to our queries can be found there; the key lies in using accurate keywords for our searches. Both Database Queries and Keyword Queries are revolved around the retrieval of information. This article endeavors to assist you in comprehending the distinction between these two notions. Let's explore and gain an understanding of these concepts one by one.

What is Keyword Queries?

They are used to get information from the web. In this concept, the user enters the set of keywords on the search engine to get the information. The main objective is to retrieve the web pages that suit specific keywords. The result depends on the location, Keywords, and frequency. To utilize the Keyword queries no further knowledge of Query language is required. To obtain the desired information, the user needs to enter precise keywords related to the topic into the search box of a search engine. Google, Bing, and Internet Explorer are instances of search engines employed for this purpose.

For instance

If a user wants to search for the Recipe of Cake in Microwave. Then they can search with the below keywords in the search engine. Search with "How to make Cake in Microwave" or "Recipe of Cake in Microwave". The way to write the phrases can vary from individual to individual it’s just an example for your reference.

Let’s understand the Database Query next.

What is Database Queries?

The query is an action that makes a request for data or information. It allows us to execute logic on our search to get the appropriate data in response to it. There are various ways to write queries like QBE, query strings, and query language. In this article, we are studying Keyword and Database Queries so we will enhance our knowledge related to the query language which is utilized by the user to find the data inside the database.

In the Database query, the user cannot make random requests with words. They must type the whole query that the database understands properly which is called Query Language. This Query Language has a particular syntax that the user must follow while writing the queries. Database Query is used to perform the tasks to find the specific data. It also helps in data management. Structured Query Language (SQL) is the standard Query language. Microsoft SQL is one most popular examples.

Difference Between Keyword Queries and Database Queries

As far as we understand both queries, Now let’s explore the below table give you an idea about the major difference between them −

Characteristics Keyword Queries Database Queries
Input It requires specific phrases and words (“Keywords”) It requires Structured Query Language
Scope It gives a wide range of web pages and the user has to find the correct information from it. It provides specific data in the table (structured data).
Efficiency of search It is a good general inquiry. It is good when the user wants to search within a particular database.
Manipulation of Data The user can only retrieve the existing data. The user can manipulate (Update, delete, alter) the existing data in the database. (Only if they have the rights to edit in the database)
Maintenance of Data It doesn’t affect the data. It can impact the data which is stored in the database.
Complexity It is easy to use and simple for users. The query is a little complex compared to Keyword Query.
Interaction level The user can only search the query on a search engine. There is no direct interaction with the database. The user can interact with the database system directly via using queries.


We can conclude that the choice between the Keyword and database query depends on the type of query. The user can utilize the keyword queries for simple inquiries where they want less structured data in results on the web. They can opt for database queries for retrieving and altering the structured data that is stored in the database. To unravel the database queries, the users must grasp the syntax of certain statements as defined in languages like SQL.

Updated on: 06-Nov-2023


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