Methods to Select Important Variables from a Dataset


Moment's big data period requires a dependable and effective approach to opting for important variables from datasets. With so numerous functions available, it can be delicate to identify which bone has the most impact on the target variable. opting for only the most important variables improves model performance, improves model interpretability, and reduces the threat of overfitting. This composition describes numerous ways to remove important variables from your dataset.

We'll go through both basic statistical approaches like univariate feature selection and regularization, as well as more sophisticated techniques like PCA and feature importance utilizing tree−based models.


There are several methods to select important variables from a data set, including:

  • Univariate feature selection

    • The best attributes are chosen using the univariate feature selection method based on how well they relate to the target variable. To identify the most crucial traits, it uses statistical tests including ANOVA, t−tests, and chisquare tests.ANOVA is used for continuous variables, the chi−square test is used for binary variables and the t−test is for categorical data. The properties with the top ratings are picked based on the findings of these statistical investigations. This method is quick and easy, but it disregards feature interactions. It might not always offer the most accurate feature options as a consequence. Even so, it is a useful tactic for large datasets with a variety of attributes or early feature selection.

  • Recursive feature elimination

    • RFE is a feature selection strategy that recursively eliminates the least important features until the required amount of features is attained. The procedure begins with training a model on the complete feature set and ranking the features in order of significance based on the model's coefficients or feature importance. The feature with the least importance is then deleted, and the procedure is continued until the required number of characteristics is obtained.

    • RFE is founded on the idea that a decent model may be created with a reduced collection of features that are more relevant to the target variable. It may be used to any model that contains a feature significance concept, such as linear regression or decision trees. RFE may assist to decrease model complexity and increase interpretability while preserving or even enhancing performance. It can, however, be computationally expensive, particularly for big datasets or complicated models.

  • Regularization methods

    • Regularization methods are used to prevent overfitting in machine learning models by adding a penalty term to the cost function of a model. The penalty term encourages the model to have smaller coefficients for less important features. There are different types of regularization methods, including Ridge regression, Lasso regression, and Elastic Net.

    • Ridge regression adds a penalty term equivalent to the square of the magnitude of coefficients. The regularization parameter controls the strength of the penalty and helps to shrink the coefficients toward zero.

    • Lasso regression adds a penalty term equivalent to the absolute value of coefficients. This penalty term forces the coefficients of less important features to zero, resulting in a sparse model.

    • Elastic Net is a Ridge and Lasso regression method that employs a linear combination of the Ridge and Lasso penalty terms. The regularization parameter governs the severity of the Ridge and Lasso penalties.

    • These regularization strategies are effective for selecting significant variables from data collection and can improve the performance and interpretability of machine learning models.

  • Principal component analysis (PCA)

    • Principal component analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction technique that transforms the original features of a dataset into a new set of uncorrelated features, known as principal components. The principal components are ranked in order of the amount of variance they explain in the data. PCA finds the direction in which the data has the most variation and projects the data in that direction. The next direction is found as the one that explains the most variance while being orthogonal to the previous direction, and so on until all directions are found.

    • PCA can simplify the analysis of high−dimensional data and enhance model performance by reducing the number of features to a smaller collection of primary components. The number of maintained primary components may be decided by the amount of variation explained, and the other components can be removed.

    • PCA may also be used as a preprocessing step before using other feature selection methods, such as regularized regression or univariate feature selection, to minimize the dimensionality of data.

  • Feature importance using tree−based models

    • Random Forest and Gradient Boosting are two tree−based models that may quantify the importance of each feature in predicting the target variable. These models are built by recursively splitting the feature space based on the target variable. Throughout the partitioning operation, the most informative feature is chosen to separate the data. The significance of a feature may be determined by calculating how much each characteristic decreases an impurity measure, such as Gini impurity or entropy.

    • We may compute the crucial scores for each feature after building the treebased model by averaging the scores across all of the trees in the model. Higher significance ratings indicate that qualities have a larger role in predicting the target variable. These crucial properties can be selected for further investigation or utilized to train a simpler model. Tree−based models are frequently used for feature selection due to their stability and ability to handle both continuous and categorical data.

The model, data set, and individual challenge each have a distinct impact on the procedure adopted. It's indeed usually a good idea to try several approaches and assess the results in order to find the most effective solution to a problem.


Finally, identifying key variables from a dataset is a critical step in developing effective machine−learning models. The methods addressed in this article for feature selection include univariate feature selection, recursive feature removal, regularization approaches, principal component analysis, and feature importance utilizing tree−based models. It is critical to select the correct approach based on the type of data and the specific challenge at hand. Applying these strategies to pick essential characteristics might enhance not just model performance but also data understanding and interpretability.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023


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