Python - How to select a column from a Pandas DataFrame

To select a column from a DataFrame, just fetch it using square brackets. Mention the column to select in the brackets and that’s it, for example


At first, import the required library −

import pandas as pd

Now, create a DataFrame. We have two columns in it −

dataFrame = pd.DataFrame(
      "Car": ['BMW', 'Lexus', 'Audi', 'Mustang', 'Bentley', 'Jaguar'],
      "Units": [100, 150, 110, 80, 110, 90]

To select only a single column, mention the column name using the square bracket as shown below. Here, our column name is ‘Car’ −

dataFrame ['Car']


Following is the code −

import pandas as pd

# Create DataFrame
dataFrame = pd.DataFrame(
      "Car": ['BMW', 'Lexus', 'Audi', 'Mustang', 'Bentley', 'Jaguar'],
      "Units": [100, 150, 110, 80, 110, 90]

print"DataFrame ...\n",dataFrame

# selecting a column
print"\nSelecting and displaying only a single column = \n",dataFrame ['Car']


This will produce the following output −

DataFrame ...
       Car   Units
0      BMW     100
1    Lexus     150
2     Audi     110
3  Mustang      80
4  Bentley     110
5   Jaguar      90

Selecting and displaying only a single column =
0      BMW
1    Lexus
2     Audi
3  Mustang
4  Bentley
5   Jaguar
Name: Car, dtype: object

Updated on: 14-Sep-2021


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