Kidnapping And Abduction

Although abduction and kidnapping are illegal under Indian law, since 2005, more than 100,000 occurrences of these crimes have been reported there. Humans have continued to kidnap youngsters, use them for their own gain, and subject them to heinous atrocities because of their young age. These offences must be stopped because they violate citizens' freedom and liberty.

These offences are punishable under Sections 359 to 374 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. In this essay, we will go over these rules in depth, as well as the definitions of kidnapping and abduction, their differences, and the laws pertaining to forced labour, child labour, and the sale and purchase of minors for illicit reasons.

What is the Meaning of Kidnapping?

Kidnapping is the act of forcibly moving someone to unfamiliar and unsafe place against their will using intimidation, coercion, or deception. Typically, the objective of a kidnapping is to demand a ransom, obtain information for political purposes, or some other such reason. Section 359 of the IPC divides kidnapping into two categories and defines them in Sections 360 and 361 of the IPC. We need to learn more about these topics.

Scope of Kidnapping

While Sections 359 and 361 of the IPC do not specify any specific territorial jurisdiction for committing the offence, kidnapping is a crime with a broad definition under the penal code. Furthermore, these provisions are gender-neutral, guaranteeing that both boys and girls will be protected. The strictness of the law follows the subject or ward at all times, and anybody who engages in kidnapping or obtaining a juvenile girl at any time is also liable to the laws of abduction.

Types of Kidnapping

Both kidnappings from India and kidnappings from lawful guardianship are types of kidnapping. But these two kinds can overlap. For instance, "A," a young boy, was taken by "B" outside the boundaries of India while under the legal care of "C" (without his agreement). The provisions of sections 360 and 361 of the IPC will therefore apply to this legislation.

Kidnapping from India (Section360)

A person is considered to be kidnapped from India if they are transported outside the borders of the country without their consent or the approval of a legal representative.


  • Conveying Any Person Beyond the Limit of India − For the purposes of this section, the kidnapped individual may be either a major or a juvenile. For minors, the minimum age is 16 for boys and 18 for girls. Additionally, as defined by Section 18 of the IPC, India refers to the entirety of India, except the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

  • Such Conveying Must Be Without the Consent of That Person − The infraction is determined by a person's age, but consent is also important when a major person is involved. If a person has reached the age of majority and has freely consented to being conveyed, for instance, no crime has been committed. When it comes to minors, consent is irrelevant.

kidnapping from Lawful Guardianship (Section361)

Without the guardian's permission, anyone who takes or tempts a minor under sixteen years old for males or under eighteen years old for females, or a person of unsound mind, out of the care of the guardian who is their legitimate guardian, is said to have abducted them from their legal custody.


  • Taking or Enticing − The word "takes" does not imply actual or constructive force; it simply means to cause to go, escort, or get into the possession of. The word "entice" conveys the idea of inducing behaviour by arousing hope or desire in the recipient. If the other person didn't try to do something they wouldn't have otherwise, they weren't enticed by the first person. This is the primary distinction between enticing and taking. To invoke the provisions of this section, for instance, the accused person only needs to persuade the minor to agree to being removed from the custody of the legal guardian.

  • A Minor or Any Person of Unsound Mind − A juvenile, defined as a boy or girl under the age of 18, or a person of unsound mind, must have been kidnapped. Permanent mental illness is preferable to transient insanity brought on by excessive alcohol consumption or another factor. For instance, it was determined that the accused was not guilty of kidnapping when a 20-year-old girl who had been rendered comatose by dhatura poisoning when she was taken away could not be deemed to be of unsound mind.

  • Out of the Keeping of Lawful Guardian − The phrase "keeping" merely means that a minor is under the guardian's proper care and protection. A minor does not necessarily need to be in the guardian's physical possession. If a minor was under continuous control that was finally lifted by the criminal, that would be sufficient. A legal guardian and a lawful guardian are two different things. When a father sends his son to school with him, the father is the child's legal guardian, and any servant or friend acting on his behalf is also acting legally.

  • Without The Consent of Such Guardian − According to Section 90 of the IPC, it must be done with the minor's free permission when removing them from their guardian's custody or encouraging them to do so. The minor's permission is immaterial. There is no requirement for formal consent; it may be implied. Also, if consent is gained after an offence has been committed, it cannot be used as a valid defence. It is therefore irrelevant.

What is the Meaning of Abduction?

The act of taking someone away against their will is the definition of abduction in its literal sense. The IPC's Section 362 defines abduction. This section just defines the term "abduction," which is used in some of the subsequent punitive laws. The law does not recognise the crime of abduction, but it does recognise the crime of abduction with specified intent. Fraud or force must be used.

Section 362 Of IPC

A person is considered to be abducted if they are coerced or tricked into leaving their current location.


  • Abducting by use of force or any deceitful means − The individual being taken should be coerced or persuaded to comply by means of force or deception. The word "force" refers to coerced agreement or the use of force in a kidnapping. In contrast, the term "deceitful" refers to any assertion that is misleading. The important component of the offence is the perpetrator's purpose.

  • Taking of a person from one place to another − The abducted person must move, and that movement must be made with the use of force or any other dishonest methods in order to commit the crime of abduction. For instance, if A went into the home of a girl named B and lifted her in an attempt to take her away, but when B raised the alarm, A dropped her and fled, A would not be held responsible for the abduction but would be guilty of the attempt to abduct.


According to Article 14 of the Indian Constitution, kidnapping and abduction violate a person's fundamental right to life and liberty. The necessity to avoid kidnapping and abduction cases has become more crucial as the number of victims of these horrible crimes has grown steadily, especially when they are carried out for forced begging, maiming, or sexual encounters.

Collaboration between governmental agencies, non-governmental organisations, and judicial systems is crucial in the fight against child trafficking. By being consistent with punitive measures, nations should work together to counter this issue. The ratification of international agreements and the national application of these international humanitarian treaties can achieve this consistency.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the biggest reason for kidnapping?

Ans. Children are typically abducted by one parent or other people. Adults are frequently taken hostage for ransom or to make them use an ATM, but they can also be taken for sexual abuse.

Q2. What is the punishment for abduction?

Ans. Anyone who kidnaps someone from India or from a legal guardianship faces fines and imprisonment of either kind for a duration that may reach seven years or may be life-imprisonment as punishment.

Updated on: 10-May-2023


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