Kafka Automation using Python with Real World Example


Apache As a platform for distributed streaming that offers dependable and scalable messaging capabilities, Kafka has gained popularity. Organisations can design event-driven architectures and real-time data pipelines using Kafka. However, it might be difficult to manage and automate Kafka processes. With an emphasis on practical examples, we will examine how to use Python to automate Kafka procedures in this post. The distributed streaming platform Kafka, created by LinkedIn, is now widely used for real-time data processing, event-driven systems, and data integration pipelines.

Kafka has been widely adopted in a number of industries thanks to its high throughput, fault-tolerant design, and scalability.In order to manage Kafka topics effectively and streamline Kafka processes, automation is essential. Strong libraries and tools for Kafka automation are provided by Python, a flexible and potent programming language. Developers may connect with Kafka clusters, carry out administrative activities, and create Kafka producers and consumers with ease by utilising Python's capabilities.

Kafka Automation


Managing topics, producers, consumers, brokers, as well as carrying out administrative operations like establishing, removing, and altering Kafka resources are just a few of the duties that may be streamlined and made simpler using Kafka automation. Organisations can save time, minimise human error, and guarantee more effective Kafka operations by automating these procedures. Managing topics, producers, consumers, brokers, as well as carrying out administrative operations like establishing, removing, and altering Kafka resources are just a few of the duties that may be streamlined and made simpler using Kafka automation. Organisations can save time, minimise human error, and guarantee more effective Kafka operations by automating these procedures.


from kafka import KafkaProducer, KafkaConsumer, KafkaAdminClient
from kafka.admin import NewTopic
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092')
producer.send('my_topic', b'Hello, Kafka!')
consumer = KafkaConsumer('my_topic', bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092')
for message in consumer:
admin_client = KafkaAdminClient(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092')
topic = NewTopic(name='my_topic', num_partitions=1, replication_factor=1)
  • Import the necessary modules

  • Create a Kafka producer and send messages

  • Create a Kafka consumer and consume messages

  • Create a Kafka admin client and perform administrative operations


  • Step 1 − Connect to the Kafka cluster: Use the proper bootstrap servers to connect to the Kafka cluster.

  • Step 2 − Produce messages:Create a Kafka producer and transmit messages to the specified topic to produce messages.

  • Step 3 − Consume messages: Create a Kafka consumer and start consuming messages from the chosen topic to consume messages.

  • Step 4 − Execute administration activities: To perform administrative operations, such as adding or removing topics, use a Kafka admin client.

  • Step 5 − Close the connections to the Kafka producer, consumer, and admin clients to disconnect from the Kafka cluster.


  • Approach 1 − Managing Topics

  • Approach 2 − Producing and Consuming Messages

Approach 1: Managing Topics


from kafka import KafkaAdminClient
from kafka.admin import NewTopic

def create_topic(topic_name):
   admin_client = KafkaAdminClient(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092')
   topic = NewTopic(name=topic_name, num_partitions=1, replication_factor=1)
   print(f"Creating topic {topic_name}...")
   admin_client.create_topics([topic], timeout_ms=5000) # increase the timeout_ms to avoid timeout errors 
   print(f"Topic {topic_name} created!")

def delete_topic(topic_name):
   admin_client = KafkaAdminClient(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092')
   print(f"Deleting topic {topic_name}...")
   admin_client.delete_topics([topic_name], timeout_ms=5000) # increase the timeout_ms to avoid timeout errors
   print(f"Topic {topic_name} deleted!")

# Create a topic

# Delete a topic


Creating topic my_topic...
Topic my_topic created!
Deleting topic my_topic...
Topic my_topic deleted!

In Approach 1, topics are added and removed using the KafkaAdminClient. We define two functions, create_topic() and delete_topic(), which, using the given topic name, alternately create new topics and delete existing topics. We can simply add and remove subjects as necessary by automating topic administration.

We concentrated on managing topics by adding and removing them using the KafkaAdminClient.

The KafkaAdminClient object is initially created and a connection to the Kafka cluster is established when the code is run. The create_topics() method is then used to create a new topic with the name "my_topic," one partition, and a replication factor of 1.

The message "Topic'my_topic' created successfully" will appear in the output.

Note that the exact output will depend on the logging configuration of the KafkaAdminClient and the specific error messages raised if there are any issues with creating or deleting the topic.

Approach 2: Producing and Consuming Messages


from kafka import KafkaProducer, KafkaConsumer

def produce_messages(topic, messages):
   producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092')
   for message in messages:
      producer.send(topic, message.encode('utf-8'))

def consume_messages(topic):
   consumer = KafkaConsumer(topic, bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092')
   for message in consumer:

# Produce messages
produce_messages('my_topic', ['Message 1', 'Message 2', 'Message 3'])

# Consume messages


The output of the provided code snippet, assuming the Kafka cluster is running and accessible at localhost:9092, would be as follows −

Message 1
Message 2
Message 3

In this method, we show how to use Kafka-Python to make and receive messages. The function produce_messages() establishes a Kafka producer, sends each message to the chosen subject, and accepts a topic name and a list of messages as input. The function consume_messages() establishes a Kafka consumer for the specified topic and outputs the messages that are received. We can speed up data processing and real-time analytics by automating message creation and consumption.

This result shows that the messages generated by the Kafka producer were successfully received and processed by the Kafka consumer.

Please be aware that the output is predicated on the existence of the topic'my_topic' and the availability of the given messages for consumption. It also presupposes that no errors were encountered during the Kafka operations.


Python-based Kafka workflow automation has many advantages, including improved productivity, decreased human error, and easier resource management. Organisations can use automation to improve their Kafka-based systems and apps by utilising Python and the Kafka-Python module. Learning Kafka automation with Python brings you new potential for developing real-time data pipelines, event-driven structures, and streaming applications, regardless of your background as a data engineer, software developer, or system administrator. It enables you to take advantage of Python's simplicity, flexibility, and broad community support while utilising Kafka's advantages, such as fault tolerance, scalability, and high throughput.

In conclusion, Kafka automation with Python offers a strong collection of tools and frameworks to optimise Kafka processes, make administrative tasks simpler, and create effective data streaming applications.

Updated on: 12-Oct-2023


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