Is Python Compiled or Interpreted?

Python is an interpreted programming language. However, when we want to check whether Python is compiled or interpreted can be a bit confused. Let's dive into a detailed explanation to understand the inner workings of Python's execution model and how it combines aspects of compilation and interpretation.

Interpreted languages are typically executed directly by an interpreter without a separate compilation step. In contrast, compiled languages go through a compilation process where the source code is translated into machine code or an intermediate representation before execution. However, Python's execution model is a blend of both interpretation and compilation.

At a high level, Python source code is written in human-readable form and saved with a `.py` extension. When we run a Python program, the following steps take place.


The Python interpreter reads the source code and parses it into a form called an abstract syntax tree (AST). The parser analyzes the structure and syntax of the code, ensuring it is valid according to Python's grammar rules.

Bytecode Compilation

Once the parsing is complete, the Python interpreter compiles the AST into an intermediate form called bytecode. Bytecode is a low-level representation specific to the Python Virtual Machine (PVM), rather than being tied to any particular hardware or operating system.

Bytecode is a compact and platform-independent representation of the original source code. It consists of instructions that the PVM can execute directly. This bytecode compilation process is why Python is often referred to as a "compiled" language.


The bytecode is executed by the Python interpreter's execution loop. The interpreter reads each bytecode instruction, performs the necessary operations, and updates the program state accordingly.

During execution, the Python interpreter employs various built-in functions and modules to provide a wide range of functionality. These include modules for file handling, networking, database access, mathematical operations, and more. The interpreter accesses these modules through the Python Standard Library or external libraries.

The interpreter also manages memory allocation and deallocation, object creation and destruction, and handles exceptions and errors that occur during execution.

Python's execution model combines elements of interpretation and compilation, providing several benefits as mentioned below.

Dynamic Typing and Late Binding

Python is dynamically typed, which means that variable types are determined at runtime. This allows for greater flexibility but requires interpreting the code to determine types and bind variables to objects.

  • Ease of Development − Python's interpreted nature makes it an excellent language for rapid development and prototyping. Developers can write code and immediately see the results without needing a separate compilation step.

  • Cross-Platform Portability − Python's bytecode is platform-independent, which means that Python programs can run on different operating systems and architectures as long as a compatible Python interpreter is available.

  • Runtime Debugging and Interactivity − Interpreted languages provide runtime debugging capabilities, allowing developers to inspect variables, step through code, and fix issues during execution. Python's interactive shell (REPL) enables interactive exploration and experimentation with code snippets and provides immediate feedback.

  • Dynamic Code Execution − Python supports dynamic code execution, allowing the creation and execution of code dynamically during program execution. This feature enables powerful metaprogramming techniques and dynamic module loading.

It's worth noting that Python implementations can vary. The reference implementation of Python, known as CPython, executes Python code by interpreting the bytecode. Other implementations, such as PyPy, employ just-in-time (JIT) compilation techniques to optimize the execution of the bytecode.


In summary, we can say Python is an interpreted language with a bytecode compilation step. It parses the source code, compiles it into bytecode, and then executes the bytecode using an interpreter. This combination of interpretation and bytecode compilation provides Python with its characteristic balance of flexibility, portability, and ease of development.

Updated on: 03-Jan-2024


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