Is it worth learning Python? Why or why not?

In this article, we will learn if Is it worth learning Python? Why or why not.

Yes, the answer is obvious. Learning Python is worthful undoubtedly. The key reasons to support the worth of learning Python are as follows.

Python is a Beginner-Friendly Language

In fact, one of the key reasons for the development of Python was to develop a language that is simple to read and quick to learn.

If you've never programmed before, you can probably still tell what the piece of code is looking to achieve. It is just like a common English language with clear and simple syntax.

You will benefit from using an easy-to-read programming language if you are a software developer. This is due to the fact that you won't have to waste time trying to figure out the syntax. You may instead concentrate on resolving real issues.

Code Libraries - Many Useful Pre-Written Code

You may save time by using the many free code libraries available in Python.

A code library functions as an addition to your code if you have never written any code before. There are many beneficial pre-written code modules available in libraries that you may use.

You won't have to spend time creating anything from scratch, which saves time.

For instance, you can easily make charts and visualizations using the well-liked Python tool Matplotlib.

There are a huge amount of these free libraries available that can simplify and make your development process easy.

Additionally, installing these libraries only requires one straightforward shell command.

The Python Package Index(PyPI) includes a wide ecosystem of packages for Python. Users of Python can create modules for the PyPi library, which is constantly expanding. This massive package repository contains third-party technologies that may help users with everything from artificial intelligence to web development.

Python is highly versatile and has many uses.

Python has a wide variety of applications, but it is most commonly used for data mining, data science, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, web development, web frameworks, embedded systems, graphic design applications, gaming, network development, product development, rapid application development, testing, automation scripting, and a lot more.

Python is preferred over other languages like C, R, and Java because of its user-friendliness and simple syntax for similar tasks. As a result, more and more apps are using Python as their primary language.

Job opportunities for Python are in high demand

Jobs in Python programming are in high demand, and their growth is accelerating quickly. According to the amount of job listings on, one of the top job search engines, Python is the second most-used language for programming in 2020.

Python is in demand all throughout the world, even if these data only cover US markets. However, Python is only taught in 11% of coding boot camps.

The typical annual income for an entry-level Python developer, according to Simplilearn, ranges from $59,888 to $111,605 per year.

In comparison to other industries, Python jobs can have very high salaries.

Programming is undoubtedly one of those wealthy businesses if you're seeking one.

Additionally, nowadays, employment in software development is frequently remote. So studying Python (or other languages) is a terrific alternative if you prefer to be paid handsomely for working from home while sitting on the couch.

Community support for Python is excellent.

The support of their community is one of the most valuable resources a programmer will ever have, despite the misconception that programming is a solo activity.The open-source community, together with other resources like online forums and local meet-ups, allows programmers to build upon the foundation built by their peers.

When developers are stuck or wish to impart knowledge to the community, Stack Overflow is a key platform for questions and answers on programming. Moreover, a million queries on Stack Overflow have the tag "Python," indicating a remarkably large and active community for practicing and aspiring Python developers.

On GitHub, programmers may share and store their code, as well as work together on various projects. At over 1.5 million projects and 90,000 contributors, Python has the second-largest community on GitHub.

Python User Groups are areas where developers may interact with other Python programmers to exchange resources, solutions, and cheesy Python jokes.

Python's Applications in Data Science and Machine Learning Are Numerous

R has been the language of choice for data scientists for quite some time. Particularly among professionals who lack a background in statistics or mathematics, Python's appeal as a data science tool has risen. Python code is commonly believed to be more scalable and easier to maintain than R code.

In recent years, a number of Python packages dedicated to machine learning and data analysis have been developed. NumPy and pandas let users understand and transform data, while tensorflow is used to create machine learning algorithms. pyspark provides an API for interfacing with Spark, a framework for efficiently working with massive data sets.

To analyse big data trends, a web developer doesn't need to be proficient in the more complex R language anymore, thanks to these tools.

Python's Role in Automation

Python has several benefits over other programming languages, including the ability to create automation scripts.

Python is more than simply a tool for creating complex applications.

It can also be used to automate repetitive computer operations.

Python, for instance, may be used to create a script that turns a video into a GIF. Or possibly Python can be used to clean a folder of useless/junk files.

On your computer, there are countless manual activities that a Python script might perform.

These little Python scripts can help you get more done and save you a lot of time.

Thus, learning Python can help you speed up time-consuming manual operations.


Python training is still important.

One of the simplest programming languages to learn, Python is flexible and in demand.

Python may be used in virtually every area of software development, including machine learning, data science, artificial intelligence (AI), web development, and many more.

Updated on: 02-Jan-2023


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