IndexedDB - Installation

Visual Studio Code is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications.

  • You can download the visual studio code from its official website -

  • Select the version you want based on your PC configuration and OS.

  • Once downloaded you can install it directly on your computer.

Installing the Visual Studio Code installer on Windows

First of all download the Visual Studio Code installer for Windows as specified above −

  • Once it is downloaded, run the installer.
  • Then, accept the agreement and click on next.
  • Now, click on “create a desktop icon” so that it can be accessed from the desktop, and click on Next.
  • Then, click on the install button.
  • Finally, after installation completes, click on the finish button, and the visual studio code will open.

Code Setup
  • Now Visual Studio code is successfully installed on your device, start writing code on this code editor.

Downloading, Installing, and Creating a Node.js project (optional)

Now after installing the visual studio code we need to install Node.js

Downloading Node.JS

  • You can download Node.js from its official website which is

  • Select the version of your choice based on your computer's configuration.

  • The LTS version is preferable as it is a more stable version and it stands for Long Term Support.

Installing Node.js

Follow the steps given below to install Node.js in your system −

Step 1 − Now that the Node.js has opened. You’ll find this window pop up Click on next.


Step 2 − You will be redirected to the “End-User License Agreement” window. Accept the agreement and click on Next.

Nodejs Setup

Step 3 − In the next window you need to select the “Destination Folder”. Change the existing folder or, use the default folder mentioned and then click Next.


Step 4 − Click Next in the “Custom Setup” and “Tools For Native Modules” windows.

Step 5 − Now, thw setup is ready click Install, to install the selected modules.

Ready Nodejs