Impacts of Artificial Intelligence in everyday life

In today’s date, Artificial Intelligence has impacted our lives way in that nothing else could have impacted. It has changed how our daily jobs are done and has involvement in major areas of our industry, lives, and almost everything. Here in this article, we are going to see some areas in our lives where Artificial Intelligence has significantly played its role.

Health Industry

Healthcare is a growing and crucial industry in the 21st century. Not only it is providing a better life to people but also saving millions of lives every day. We just can't overlook the health aspect of human beings. With the increasing number of medical cases and strain on doctors, it has become quite a tedious task in every hospital or health institute. Here AI and Machine Learning have played a crucial part in reducing the workload and providing better services. Right from processing medical records to detecting chronic conditions like cancer and where sometimes the doctors may fail to analyze or may overlook some signs, AI can help in such cases quite efficiently. Examples include the detection of cancer, and sickle cell anemia, digitization and processing of medical records, etc.

Travel and Commutation

With transport services like Uber, and Ola today it has become an easy task to get a ride at the click of a button right at the doorstep Combined with the power of Google Maps and other navigational features these Apps and organizations are leveraging the power of AI to help users find the ride of their choice in less time as well as also optimizing the paths so that the journey is quick and pleasant.

even companies like Apple, and Google have integrated travel and navigation services on smartwatches, apple watches, etc which provided excellent mobility and on-the-go services.

Video Streaming and Content Delivery

Earlier in the olden there there used to be only cinemas and theatres to watch video content and movies. But nowadays the scenario has completely changed. We can view our favorite movies and shows right from our mobiles, tv, and laptops. This has become possible only because of OTT platforms and video streaming apps like Netflix, Prime Video, etc. Again the organizations providing these apps are using tons of AI features to recommend the right shows and movies to the users and make their viewing experience non-forgettable on these apps. This has led to a greater viewership, subscription, and engagement of users on these apps.

Social Media

We all use social media. They help us become social and help us connect with our long-distance friends, acquaintance, and relatives. Social media apps use Artificial intelligence heavily to recommend new people to use, recognize tagged people, and other useful and cool features. Many of these social media apps also provide Gaming, and AR/VR features as well to keep users engaged.

Email and Communication

Email is effective means of communication so do apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. Email writing and chat and text communication have become a daily part of our lives. Today most of the popular email clients can provide suggestions while writing an email using Artificial intelligence to make email writing easier and more productive, Chat apps can provide a suggestion for text, emojis, and other cool features. These apps are effectively using AI in the best possible way and still there lot which can be achieved.


Thus, we have seen some true aspects of how big a role Artificial Intelligence is playing in our lives. We have become so addicted to the usage of AI services that is almost impossible for us to keep ourselves away from it. We cannot deny its existence. It has created a greater impact on our lives.

Updated on: 09-Aug-2023


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