HTML Canvas - path2D() Method

The HTML Canvas path2D() constructor method returns a newly created path2D object consisting of path data.


Following is the syntax of HTML Canvas path2D() method −

Path2D(path, d);


Following is the list of parameters of this method −

S.No Parameter & Description
1 path

Other path from which a copy of the path argument is created.

2 d

SVG path data value given to create a path based on the description provided.

Return Value

It returns a newly created path2D object which can be further used to draw paths easily on the Canvas element.

Example 1

The following example adds strokes to a rectangle on the Canvas element using HTML Canvas path2D() method.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <title>Reference API</title>
      body {
         margin: 10px;
         padding: 10px;
   <canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="200" style="border: 1px solid black;"></canvas>
      var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
      var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
      var path = new Path2D();
      path.rect(30, 20, 150, 100);


The output returned by the above code on the webpage as −

HTML Canvas Path2D Method

Example 2

The following example draws a circle onto the Canvas element using the path2D() constructor method.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <title>Reference API</title>
      body {
         margin: 10px;
         padding: 10px;
   <canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="200" style="border: 1px solid black;"></canvas>
      var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
      var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
      var path = new Path2D();
      path.arc(140, 100, 55, 0, 2 * Math.PI);;


The output returned by the above code on the webpage as −

HTML Canvas Path2D Method

Example 3

By using path2D() method, the following example draws combined shapes on the canvas element.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <title>Reference API</title>
      body {
         margin: 10px;
         padding: 10px;
   <canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="200" style="border: 1px solid black;"></canvas>
      var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
      var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
      var path = new Path2D();
      path.rect(25, 25, 250, 150);
      let path1 = new Path2D();
      path1.moveTo(220, 60);
      path1.arc(100, 100, 30, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
      let path2 = new Path2D();
      path2.moveTo(220, 60);
      path2.arc(200, 100, 30, 0, 2 * Math.PI);


The output returned by the above code on the webpage as −

HTML Canvas Path2D Method