How to Understand The UPSC Syllabus in One Day?


At present, countless UPSC candidates are preparing for the UPSC exam, but it is a bitter truth that more than 50% of them are not aware of their syllabus, and hence due to this, many students are never able to pass even the prelims exam of UPSC.

For this, students want to know how can we understand the UPSC syllabus the fastest, that is, how to understand the UPSC syllabus in One Day. So, in today's article, keeping aside the UPSC exam pattern, our main focus has been on UPSC Syllabus, and through this article, you’ll get to know How to understand the UPSC syllabus in One Day.

So let's start-

What is UPSC Syllabus?

UPSC Syllabus refers to a pre-determined list of topics and subjects that are prescribed for UPSC aspirants to prepare for the UPSC exam. Any person who wants to know which topics he/she has to study to pass the UPSC exam, or which subject he has to study, then the student related to him gets the answer under the UPSC syllabus.

UPSC Syllabus is designed to know the analytical ability and decision-making skills of the candidate.

UPSC Syllabus is divided into two parts according to the exam-

  • UPSC Preliminary exam syllabus

  • UPSC Mains exam syllabus

UPSC Prelims Syllabus - UPSC Preliminary Examination Syllabus Simplified

Below we have told you in simple words what is the syllabus of the UPSC Preliminary Examination, and which subjects and topics you have to get information and knowledge about

UPSC Preliminary Examination is going to be held in two phases,

  • General Studies Paper-1

  • General Studies Paper 2 (CSAT)

[Syllabus is completely different for both. Both these papers of the UPSC Preliminary Examination exam will be based on objective questions, in which you will be given a question with four options as its answer, and you have to choose the correct one out of the four options.]

General Studies paper-1 (GS-1) Syllabus

Under the syllabus of GS Paper 1 of the UPSC Preliminary Examination, you have to get the relevant knowledge and information on the following topics and subjects-

Current events of national and international importance,History of India,
National movement about india,General science
Indian polity, governance, economics,Social development, environment, and ecology,
Biodiversity,Climate change,
Information regarding the geography of the world towards india,

General Studies Paper 2 (CSAT- Civil Service Aptitude Test)

In General Studies Paper 2 i.e. CSAT Paper of UPSC Preliminary Examination, you have to gain knowledge and understanding of the topics of the following syllabus-

ComprehensionInterpersonal skills
Communication skillsLogical reasoning
Analytical abilityDecision-making skills
Problem-solving skillsGeneral mental ability
Basic data interpretation

UPSC Mains Syllabus - UPSC Mains Examination Syllabus Simplified

Exams will be conducted for your 9 papers under UPSC Mains Examination. Some of their names are as follows –

[During the exam also your examination will be conducted in the same order]

  • Essay Paper: UPSC does not provide an official specific list for essay papers. Instead, candidates have to display their knowledge and understanding in the form of opinions in the essay regarding current topics, issues of international and national importance, society, culture, business, politics, and economy. A list of many important topics for an essay paper is available on the internet.

  • General Studies Paper 1: Under General Studies Paper 1, questions are asked in the context of Indian Heritage and Culture, apart from this, History, Geography of India, Geography of the World, and Society of India and the World.

  • General Studies Paper 2: Under General Studies Paper 2, questions are asked in the context of Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice, and International Relations.

  • General Studies Paper 3: Under General Studies Paper 3, questions are asked in the context of technology, economic development, biodiversity and climate change, security, and disaster management.

  • General Studies Paper 4: Under General Studies Paper 4, questions are asked regarding Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude.

  • Indian Language Paper: This is the qualifying paper. Under this, comprehension of given passages, concise writing, information about vocabulary, short essay writing, translation in Indian language related to English, all this can be asked.

    [Marks of the qualifying papers do not add to the merit, but are required to be passed for evaluation of the remaining mains papers]

  • English Paper: This is also a qualifying paper, under this comprehension writing, essay writing, short essay writing, and short writing, all this is included.

    [Marks of the qualifying papers do not add to the merit, but are required to be passed for evaluation of the remaining mains papers]

  • Optional Subject Paper 1: Separate syllabus is given for each Optional Subject Paper 1.

  • Optional Subject Paper 2: Separate syllabus is given for each Optional Subject Paper 2.

This is the complete syllabus of the UPSC Civil Services Examination. If you have read it carefully, then you will understand the UPSC syllabus in just 1 day.

UPSC CSE Mains TimeTable

To understand the UPSC syllabus, it is necessary that you understand how the UPSC mains exam will be conducted, and at what time your exam for which paper will be conducted.

No fixed date has been made under the UPSC Civil Services Examination Time Table. Although you are informed on time, the sequence of examination is the same.

For example, suppose that your Civil Services Examination is starting on the 1st of October of any year, and then your UPSC exam pattern will be something like this- [The exam will be conducted in two shifts, the first shift is morning and the second shift is evening. The morning shift is from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon, and the evening shift is from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.]

  • Your essay paper will be in the morning shift on 1st October

  • On October 2, your General Studies 1 exam will be conducted in the morning shift.

  • On October 2, your General Studies 2 exam will be conducted in the evening shift.

  • On October 3, your General Studies 3 exam will be conducted in the morning shift.

  • On October 3, your General Studies 4 exam will be conducted in the evening shift.

[Now you will be given leave for the next 5 days]

  • Your Indian language paper exam will be conducted on the sixth day i.e. 10 October in the morning shift.

  • Your English paper exam will be conducted in the evening shift of 10th October.

  • Your optional subject 1 exam will be conducted on October 11 morning shift.

  • On October 11, your optional subject paper 2 exams will be conducted in the evening shift.

Every time the UPSC Mains Examination Time Table is organized in the same way. There may be a difference in the month and date, but there is no difference in order and time.


In today's article, we have given you information about How to understand the UPSC syllabus in One Day. Along with this, we have also given you information regarding the timetable of UPSC's Preliminary and Main exams, because this information will help you to know how your exam will be. Based on this, you will be able to understand the UPSC syllabus better. Now it is your job to connect the dots between UPSC Time Table and UPSC Syllabus.

If you want to ask any other questions regarding this, then you can express your opinion in the comment box.

Updated on: 13-Apr-2023


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