How to Crack UPSC? – The Easiest Way Possible


At present, hundreds of thousands of candidates are preparing for UPSC in India every year, but as we know, seats under UPSC are very limited, due to which the competition becomes fierce.

That's why people want to know ‘how to clear UPSC easily?’ If you want to know the same, then stay with us till the end of this article. Today, we are going to provide you with important information regarding this, after which the way of your UPSC preparation is going to change completely.

So let's start-

What is UPSC?

UPSC is an Indian constitutional body, whose full form is Union Public Service Commission, and this constitutional body works to organize civil service examinations at the national level in India. It works to select candidates for various types of government administrative services and positions.

What Is the Work of UPSC?

The commission conducts examinations of service at the national level in India every year, in which many All India Services including Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service, and Indian Forest Service are included. It is responsible for conducting the examination not only for the civil services but also for the respective services of the Central Armed Police Forces.

To pass those examinations which are conducted by UPSC, the candidate has to go through various types of written examinations and interviews and other selection procedures, which is quite difficult and competitive in itself. Initially, this much information is sufficient for you in the context of UPSC.

Why Should UPSC Preparation Be Done? Why Is UPSC Necessary?

Generally, those people who instead of complaining about the problems of the society and the country consider it their responsibility to work towards eliminating those problems, and those who do not have the intention of complaining only, prepare for UPSC.

UPSC preparation gives you various types of benefits, based on which any person would want to do UPSC preparation. These are the absolute benefits of UPSC-

  • Prestigious Career: (After clearing UPSC, an officer gets maximum respect from society.)

  • Regular Career Growth: (Excellent career growth opportunities are available under UPSC service positions.)

  • Diverse Career Options: (After clearing the UPSC exam, the door opens for diverse career options.)

  • Job Security: (Once a candidate clears the UPSC exam and gets selected for a position, then after that job security is available for a lifetime.)

  • Personal Satisfaction: (Personal satisfaction is very important for any job, which is available to the officer in UPSC Services.)

  • Opportunity to learn and grow : (After clearing UPSC Civil Services, as an officer you’ll face new challenges and gain experience related to it.)

  • Extraordinary Salary and Benefits: (The person who clears the UPSC exam and becomes an officer, their salary is very fine, and apart from the salary, they also get many facilities.)

How to Crack UPSC Easily?

You can easily crack the UPSC exam by following the methods mentioned–

  • Understand The Art of Learning: Each person has a different learning ability and method. Learning is usually done by writing, listening, and seeing. You have to find out through which medium you can learn better.

  • Focus On Your Purpose, away from The Benefits of UPSC: After clearing UPSC, you will get help, but to clear UPSC, you need a definite purpose. Without that objective, it is impossible to crack UPSC.

  • Start Preparing for The First Two Papers of the Written Exam with The Preparation of Prelims: It is mainly included in the UPSC notification that if you are preparing for the first two papers of the Civil Services Mains exam i.e. English paper and Indian language paper.

    You need to get at least 25% marks to ensure the rest of your papers are checked. Therefore, you have to start preparing for the first two papers i.e. the compulsory paper in English, and another paper in the Indian language, which you will choose yourself, along with the prelims.

  • Take Lessons from Those Who Have Failed in UPSC: After a successful UPSC, you will have a crowd of thousands of people, but to clear UPSC, you need to learn from the shortcomings of those who have not been able to clear UPSC.

  • Correct Mistakes Move Forward: Identify mistakes in your preparation and correct them. Doing this will keep you moving forward toward success in UPSC.

  • Make a “Practical Study Time Table” At Your Convenience: If you want to make a timetable or study timetable to clear UPSC, then you must remember that you are a human being and you have some limitations keep those limits in mind After that you have to make your study time table.

  • Try to Follow a Practical Timetable Under All Circumstances: Creating a timetable and following a timetable are two different things. If you can follow your timetable, then it will show the strength of your will. It is necessary to crack UPSC.

  • Before Appearing in The Exam, Understand The Purpose of the Exam: UPSC does not select candidates, but selects officers from among the candidates. Therefore, before appearing in the exam it is necessary to understand the purpose of the exam. exam's objective exam will keep you moving towards preparing for the exam properly.

  • Make Your Handwriting Beautiful: After the prelims, you have to clear the main exam of civil services, for which you will have to go through many written papers. Your writing ability and your handwriting will be the main point of all the papers.

  • The Aim of Your UPSC Preparation Should Be to Crack UPSC: If you are preparing for any exam, then the aim of that preparation should be to pass that exam. If you keep this objective in mind, you will never deviate from your path.

  • Understand The UPSC Syllabus in Correct and Simple Language and Move Towards Completing It Successfully: For the preparation of any exam, it is necessary to understand the syllabus of that exam and to complete it successfully. In the context of UPSC also, this syllabus will keep you moving toward success.

  • Keep Preparing Continuously: You must have heard the sayings of ‘marathon’ in the context of UPSC, and this saying is correct. You have to prepare until you crack UPSC.

  • 5 Hours of Quality Preparation Is Sufficient as Compared to 16 Hours of Time Pass: People who say that they have studied for 16-16 hours for UPSC preparation, show their immaturity as a UPSC aspirant. If you can give 5 hours of quality time every day for UPSC preparation, then it is sufficient.

  • Start Preparing for The Interview After Clearing the Prelims: The interview is the last stage of the UPSC exam and for this, you need not take the tension of the interview during your prelims exam. You can prepare for the interview even in 1 month, which is more than enough time.

If you have done all of this, then you will easily crack UPSC.


In today's article, we have given you detailed information about how to Crack UPSC easily, along with this, we have also informed you about some important ways in the context of Clearing UPSC, by following which you can crack UPSC Easily.

We hope that by reading this article of ours today, you must have understood how to crack UPSC easily. If you want to ask any questions regarding today's article, then you can submit your opinion in the comment box.

Updated on: 13-Apr-2023


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