How to implement SQL GROUP BY in Java?

In Java, implementing the SQL GROUP BY functionality involves organizing and grouping data based on a specific column or columns. The GROUP BY clause allows you to group rows with similar values in one or more columns and perform aggregate functions on those groups. By using this clause, you can summarize and analyze data more effectively. In Java, you can achieve the GROUP BY behavior by leveraging database connectivity and executing SQL queries through JDBC (Java Database Connectivity). With JDBC, you can establish a connection to a database, execute SQL statements, retrieve the result set, and perform the necessary operations to group data based on specified criteria.


The JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API is used in Java to execute SQL queries against a database for applying the GROUP BY clause. The GROUP BY clause is an essential part of SQL statements that groups rows based on specified columns and applies aggregate functions to them.

To implement SQL GROUP BY in Java, one needs to construct a SQL query string using the GROUP BY clause and specify the column(s) they wish to group by. Once that's done, using JDBC, establish a connection to the database and create a statement object. Next, execute the query, retrieve the result set and process the grouped data as needed. The output produced could be further investigated for analysis or reporting purposes or utilize it for other business logic requirements in your Java application.


In Java, there are different methods to implement SQL GROUP BY functionality using JDBC. Here are two common approaches:

  • Using a SQL Query

  • Using Prepared Statements

Using a SQL Query

To group data and perform operations on each of them using SQL, you can follow this method: construct a query string that includes the GROUP BY clause, then execute it through JDBC. The result set obtained can be accessed by iterating over it to retrieve the grouped data and subsequently apply needed aggregate functions or operations.


  • Construct a SQL query string that includes the GROUP BY clause, specifying the column(s) to group by.

  • Establish a database connection using JDBC, create a statement object, and execute the query.

  • Retrieve the result set and iterate over the grouped data using a loop.

  • Perform necessary operations or aggregate functions on each group of data.


import java.sql.*;

public class GroupByDemo {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      // JDBC driver and database URL
      String jdbcDriver = "org.sqlite.JDBC";
      String dbUrl = "jdbc:sqlite:test.db";

      try {
         // Load the JDBC driver

         // Create a connection to the database
         Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl);

         // Method 1: Using a SQL query
         String sqlQuery = "SELECT department, AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department";
         Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
         ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sqlQuery);

         // Process the grouped data
         System.out.println("Method 1: Using a SQL query");
         while ( {
            String department = resultSet.getString(1);
            double averageSalary = resultSet.getDouble(2);
            System.out.println("Department: " + department + ", Average Salary: " + averageSalary);

         // Close the resources

         // Close the database connection
      } catch (Exception e) {

SQL File

-- Create the employees table
CREATE TABLE employees(
    name TEXT,
    department TEXT,
    salary REAL

-- Insert sample data into the employees table
INSERT INTO employees (name, department, salary)
VALUES ('John Doe', 'HR', 5000),
       ('Jane Smith', 'IT', 6000),
       ('Alice Johnson', 'HR', 5500),
       ('Bob Williams', 'IT', 6500),
       ('Mike Brown', 'Finance', 7000),
       ('Sarah Davis', 'Finance', 7500),


John Doe HR 5000
Jane Smith IT 6000
Alice Johnson HR 5500
Bob Williams IT 6500
Mike Brown Finance 7000

Using Prepared Statements

With this method, you create a SQL query string without the GROUP BY clause, but with parameter placeholders. Then, using a prepared statement, you set the parameter values, execute the statement, and retrieve the result set. Again, you iterate over the result set to access the grouped data and perform necessary operations or aggregate functions on each group. Prepared statements provide added security and performance benefits by allowing parameterized queries.


  • Create a SQL query string without the GROUP BY clause, specifying placeholders for the parameters.

  • Prepare a statement object using a prepared statement with the query string.

  • Set the parameter values for the placeholders using appropriate methods.

  • Execute the statement, retrieve the result set, and iterate over the grouped data.

  • Perform necessary operations or aggregate functions on each group of data.


import java.sql.*;

public class GroupByDemo {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      // JDBC driver and database URL
      String jdbcDriver = "org.sqlite.JDBC";
      String dbUrl = "jdbc:sqlite:test.db";

      try {
         // Load the JDBC driver

         // Create a connection to the database
         Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl);

         // Method 2: Using prepared statements
         String sqlQuery = "SELECT department, AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department";
         PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlQuery);
         ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery();

         // Process the grouped data
         System.out.println("Method 2: Using prepared statements");
         while ( {
            String department = resultSet.getString(1);
            double averageSalary = resultSet.getDouble(2);
            System.out.println("Department: " + department + ", Average Salary: " + averageSalary);

         // Close the resources

         // Close the database connection
      } catch (Exception e) {


John Doe HR 5000
Jane Smith IT 6000
Alice Johnson HR 5500
Bob Williams IT 6500
Mike Brown Finance 7000


When using Java with JDBC, implementing SQL GROUP BY functionality in a tutorial can be a powerful tool for grouping and analyzing data from databases. By leveraging either a SQL query or prepared statements, developers can easily construct and execute queries that include the GROUP BY clause, retrieve the grouped data, and perform necessary operations or aggregate functions on each group. This enables efficient data analysis and reporting capabilities within Java applications, enhancing the ability to gain valuable insights from structured data.

Updated on: 27-Jul-2023


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