How To Host a Website with HTTPS Using Caddy on Linux?


When it comes to website security, HTTPS is an essential component. HTTPS, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, is a protocol that encrypts data being transmitted between a website and its visitors.

The encryption ensures that any sensitive information shared on the site, such as login credentials or payment details, cannot be intercepted by third-party users. Without HTTPS, websites are vulnerable to attacks like man-in-the-middle attacks and phishing scams.

These types of attacks can lead to significant data breaches and result in a loss of user trust. In addition to providing security benefits, HTTPS also has SEO benefits since search engines like Google consider it a ranking factor.

Preparing the Environment

Setting up a domain name and DNS records

The next step in preparing your environment is to set up a domain name for your website. A domain name is like an address that allows users to access your website through their browser. You can register a domain name through any number of providers such as Namecheap or GoDaddy.

Once you have registered your domain name, you will need to configure DNS records so that visitors can find your website when they enter your domain name in their browser. You will typically need to create an A record that points to the IP address of your server.

Installing Caddy on your server

You will need to install Caddy on your server in order to host a website with HTTPS. Caddy is a web server that makes it easy to configure HTTPS for any website using Let's Encrypt certificates.

To install Caddy on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS, first add the Caddy repository key −

sudo apt update 
sudo apt install -y debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-transport-https 
curl -1sLf '' | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/caddy-stable.asc 

Then add the Caddy repository itself −

curl -1sLf '' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-stable.list 
sudo apt update sudo apt install caddy 

Configuring Caddy for HTTPS

Creating a Caddyfile to Define Your Website's Configuration

Once you have installed Caddy on your Linux server, the next step is to create a Caddyfile. This file will allow you to define your website's configuration, such as which domains it will serve and how traffic will be routed. To create a basic Caddyfile, open a text editor and enter the following − { root /var/www/html } 

Replace "" with your actual domain name and "/var/www/html" with the path to your website's root directory. This simple configuration tells Caddy to serve files from the specified directory when someone visits your domain.

Adding TLS Encryption to Your Website Using Let's Encrypt Certificates

One of the best things about Caddy is that it makes adding TLS encryption (the "S" in HTTPS) incredibly easy. Let's Encrypt is an open certificate authority that provides free SSL/TLS certificates that are recognized by all major browsers. To use Let's Encrypt with Caddy, add the following line to your Caddyfile −

tls { dns cloudflare {env.CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN} } 

This configuration tells Caddy to obtain and renew SSL/TLS certificates automatically using Cloudflare DNS validation. Replace "{env.CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN}" with an actual Cloudflare API token stored in an environment variable on your server.

Testing Your HTTPS Setup with SSL Labs

After configuring HTTPS for your website using Caddy and Let's Encrypt, it's important to test its security level. One great tool for this is SSL Labs' Server Test ( Simply enter your domain name into the field provided and click "Submit".

The test will evaluate your website's SSL/TLS configuration and provide a grade based on its security features. Aim for an "A" grade to ensure that your website is as secure as possible.

Advanced Configuration Options

Customizing the Caddyfile

Caddy's simplicity is one of its greatest strengths, but it also allows for a great deal of customization. In addition to basic settings like specifying the root directory of your website, you can add directives to your Caddyfile to enhance functionality.

For example, you can set up redirects from HTTP traffic to HTTPS traffic, ensuring that all website visitors are accessing a secure connection. This is particularly useful if your website has been live for some time and has existing external links pointing to it using HTTP.

Another advanced configuration option is setting up subdomains in your Caddyfile. Subdomains can help organize content on a large website and make it easier for visitors to find what they're looking for.

For example, if you have an e-commerce site that sells clothing and accessories, you could create subdomains like "" or "". Setting up subdomains involves creating separate configuration blocks in the Caddyfile with their respective subdomain names.

Configuring Automatic Certificate Renewal

Let's Encrypt certificates expire every 90 days, which means periodic renewal is necessary to ensure uninterrupted HTTPS security on your website. However, manually renewing certificates every few months can be time-consuming and error-prone. Fortunately, Caddy makes it easy to configure automatic certificate renewal.

To enable automatic renewal in Caddy, simply add the "tls" directive followed by "self_signed off" and "management ". The management directive specifies where ACME client registration should be persisted so that certificates may be automatically renewed during subsequent restarts of the server or application instance without any additional user intervention required.

While customizing the Caddyfile can seem daunting at first glance, it is actually quite straightforward once you understand how everything works together. Additionally configuring automatic certificate renewal ensures your HTTPS security stays up to date without any manual intervention.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Debugging common errors that may arise during the configuration process, such as issues with DNS or firewall settings

Despite the best of efforts, it is possible to run into some errors while configuring Caddy for HTTPS. One of the most common issues users face is with DNS. To accurately configure HTTPS, your website needs a valid domain name and accurate DNS records.

In case you are facing problems with accessing your website over HTTPS, start by double-checking if your domain name and DNS records are correctly configured. A misconfiguration in this section can lead to server misdirection and subsequently break your SSL certificate.

Tips for optimizing performance and security

Caddy offers several different ways to optimize both performance and security when hosting a website over HTTPS. One of the most valuable tips offered by Caddy's developers themselves is to use an A+ grade SSL cipher suite for improved security standards while still maintaining high-performance levels. Another way you can improve performance is by caching static content like images or CSS files on a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

CDNs store cached versions of frequently accessed pages closer to user's geographic location, reducing latency in page loading times. As far as security goes, ensure that you keep up-to-date backups in case anything goes wrong during troubleshooting or optimizing configurations.


After following this guide, you should now have a website hosted with HTTPS using Caddy on your Linux server. The use of HTTPS is crucial for securing your website and providing your visitors with peace of mind when browsing your site. With Caddy, the process of configuring HTTPS is streamlined and simplified, making it an excellent choice for web developers who prioritize security and ease of use.

Throughout this guide, we covered the necessary steps to host a website with HTTPS using Caddy on Linux. We began by setting up our environment by installing Linux on our server, configuring DNS settings, and installing Caddy.

Updated on: 07-Jun-2023


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