How to Grep for Multiple Strings, Patterns or Words?


Grep is one of the most powerful and widely used command-line tools in Linux/Unix systems. It stands for “Global Regular Expression Print” and is used for searching text files or output of commands for specific patterns or strings.

It can search through an entire directory structure, filter the results and display only relevant data to the user. Grep is a versatile tool that can be used for many different tasks, including system administration, programming and data analysis.

Basic Grep Commands

Grep is a powerful command-line tool used in Unix-based operating systems to search for specific patterns or strings of text in files or output from other commands. The basic syntax of a simple grep command is as follows −

grep [options] pattern [file] 

The "pattern" is the string or regular expression you want to search for, and the "file" argument specifies the name of the file you want to search in.

If no file name is given, grep will read from standard input (e.g., output from another command). One of the most common options used with grep is "-i", which makes the search case-insensitive.

Examples of how to search for a single string or pattern

To search for a single string in a file, use the following basic syntax −

bash grep 'string' filename  

For example, if you wanted to find all occurrences of the word "apple" in a file named "fruits.txt", you would use −

grep 'apple' fruits.txt 

If you want to match a pattern instead of an exact string, you can use regular expressions with grep.

For example, if you wanted to find all words that start with "a" followed by any character and then end with "le", you could use −

grep 'a.*le' fruits.txt 

This will match words like "apple", "able", and "avocado".

Understanding basic Grep commands such as syntax and options is essential before searching for multiple strings or patterns. Searching for single strings requires using quotes around your desired string, while searching for patterns requires the use of regular expressions.

Searching for multiple strings or patterns

Grep is an incredibly powerful tool that can be used to search for multiple strings or patterns within a given file or directory. By default, Grep will search for the first occurrence of the given pattern in the file, but what if we want to find multiple occurrences of different patterns at once?

This is where the OR (|) operator comes in handy. The OR operator allows us to search for multiple strings or patterns simultaneously.

To use this option, simply list out each string or pattern separated by the OR symbol. For example, let's say we want to find all occurrences of either "apple" or "banana" in a file called "fruits.txt".

We would use the following command −

grep 'apple|banana' fruits.txt  

This command will return all lines that contain either "apple" or "banana". It's important to note that when using the OR operator, each string or pattern must be enclosed in its own set of quotes.

The OR operator can also be combined with other Grep options such as -i (case-insensitive), -v (invert match), and -r (recursive). For example, let's say we want to search for all lines that contain either "apple", "banana", or "cherry" in any file within a directory called "fruits_folder".

We would use the following command −

grep -ir 'apple|banana|cherry' fruits_folder/ 

Searching for words within a specific context

Grep can be used to search for specific words or patterns within a certain context. This is particularly useful when you need to find information related to a particular topic and want to see some of the surrounding text to get more context. Context options in Grep allow you to specify how many lines of context should be displayed before and/or after each match.

Explanation of how to use Grep with context options (-A, -B, -C)

There are three different context options in Grep −

  • -A − displays the specified number of lines after each match

  • -B − displays the specified number of lines before each match

  • -C −displays the specified number of lines before and after each match You can use any combination of these options depending on what type of context you need.

Searching for exact matches only

Have you ever found yourself frustrated when you're trying to search for an exact word or phrase using Grep, but the search results come up with a bunch of partial matches as well? This can be especially common when searching through large files with lots of text. Fortunately, there's an option in Grep that allows you to search for exact matches only − the word boundary option.

The Word Boundary Option Explained

The word boundary option (\b) is a special character that tells Grep to match only words that have both a beginning and an end. It helps ensure that your search results don't include any partial matches (e.g., if you're searching for "cat", it won't return results like "caterpillar" or "scattered"). The \b character is typically used in combination with other search terms to create a more refined search.

To refine your search to include only instances of exactly the word "apple", add the \b character before and after the word −

grep '\bapple\b' file.txt 

This will return only lines in which the exact phrase "apple" appears.

Examples of Exact Match Searches Using Word Boundary Option

Here are some examples of how you might use the word boundary option in practice: - To find all occurrences of both "book" and "books", but not any other words containing those letters −

grep '\bbook\b' file.txt
  • To find all occurrences of both "cat" and "cats", but not any other words containing those letters − grep '\bcat\b' file.txt- To find all occurrences of the exact phrase "data analysis":

grep '\bdata analysis\b' file.txt

Using the word boundary option can significantly improve the accuracy and relevance of your Grep searches. Experiment with different combinations of search terms and refine your results until you find exactly what you're looking for.

Searching using regular expressions

Regular expressions are a set of characters used to define search patterns. They allow for more complex and specific searches than simple string or pattern matching.

Regular expressions provide a flexible way of searching for text in files, and can be used to extract information from large data sets. Grep has built-in support for regular expressions, making it an excellent tool for performing complex searches.

Explanation of regular expressions and their uses in Grep searches

Regular expressions consist of various characters that have special meanings when used with Grep. For example, the dot (.) character matches any single character, while the asterisk (*) matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding character. The pipe (|) character is used to separate multiple search patterns, while brackets ([]) are used to create a character set that matches any one of the enclosed characters.

One powerful feature of regular expressions is the ability to use groups and backreferences. Groups are created by enclosing part of the expression in parentheses ().


Grep is a powerful tool that allows users to search for multiple strings, patterns, or words within a given file. By mastering the basic commands and syntax of Grep, users can easily search for individual instances of a string or pattern. However, the true power of Grep lies in its ability to search for multiple strings or patterns at once.

By using the OR operator (|), users can expand their searches to include many different possibilities at once. Additionally, by using context options (-A, -B, -C), users can search for specific words within a larger context.

Updated on: 06-Jun-2023

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