How To Evaluate And Improve Page Speed?

How quickly a page's content loads is referred to as the page's Site Speed or load speed. Having a quick website load time is crucial for search engine optimization. Page load time is affected by several variables, including web hosting and page size. There is also a performance gap between desktop and mobile versions of websites. Learn how page speed influences search engine optimization, where to obtain measurement tools, and how to make your site faster.

Methods That Are Ideal For Search Engine Optimization

Site speed (and, by extension, page speed) has been mentioned as an indicator utilized by Google's algorithm. In addition, studies have revealed that Google may take time to take the first byte into account when ranking websites. Your site's indexation can also improve if search engines can crawl fewer pages in a given period due to poor page speed.

The loading time of a page is crucial to the user experience. Longer loading times for web pages correlate to increased bounce rates and decreased time on the page. It has also been found that longer load times reduce conversions.

To decrease the time it takes for your website to load, you can −

Use A Content Delivery Network (Content Delivery Network)

By storing copies of frequently-accessed files in data centers all over the globe, content delivery networks (CDNs) drastically cut down on the time it takes for websites to load. It's common practice for cache servers used by a content delivery network to be physically positioned closer to end users than the host or origin server. The user's request for material is sent to a CDN server rather than the hosting server, which might be located hundreds of miles away and in a different autonomous system. By using a CDN, page load times may be drastically cut down.

Compress The CSS And JavaScript Files

To "minify" code, you take away anything that isn't essential for a computer to comprehend and run the code, such as comments, whitespace, and extra semicolons. This results in minor CSS and JavaScript files, which load quicker in the browser and use less bandwidth. Minimization by itself will only do something for performance. However, if these additional suggestions are implemented, the website's performance will improve.

Third, Minimize The Amount Of HTTP Requests

The browser must make several HTTP requests to load a page's graphics, scripts, and stylesheets. In reality, many of these requests will be needed by various sites. The time it takes for a web page to load might increase if it makes many requests to different servers. Moreover, as the website relies on resources from several sites, performance issues or complete page failure may occur if any of those hosts go down.

For this reason, you should minimize the number of resources that each page needs to load. In addition, a speed test may reveal which HTTP queries are used the most time. For instance, if a page's load time is very long because of pictures, programmers might try to find a more efficient image hosting option (such as a CDN).

Enhance Photo Quality

Pictures account for a significant portion of all website traffic and often take the longest to load since image files are typically far more influential in size than HTML and CSS files. Image optimization may help speed up page loads. Several free online image optimizers and image compressors are available for decreasing picture resolution, file size, and other non-essential aspects of image optimization.

Make Use Of Saved HTTP Requests In The Browser

By keeping local copies of frequently-requested static files in their native browser caches, frequently-visited websites load significantly faster than they would if each time the material were requested from the server. Web designers may tell browsers to save frequently-used parts of websites in caches. The headers of the server's HTTP replies provide the instructions for the browser's caching. Because the server doesn't have to send as much information to the browser, this speeds up page loads for repeat visitors.

Reduce The Use Of Third-Party Scripts

External commenting systems, call-to-action buttons, and lead-generation popups are all examples of programmed features on a website that must be loaded from their respective locations with every page load. This may make a website slower or cause the layout to change while loading (known as "content hopping" or "layout shifting"), which is particularly annoying for mobile visitors.

Remove Rendering-Preventing JavaScript

Each script, frequently located at a different URL, will be called when your web pages load in a browser. For the website to load for the user, all scripts awaiting execution must be finished. JavaScript files that take a long time to load may be a significant bottleneck in these queues because they prevent the main content on the page from being displayed during this period.

Web browsers typically follow the HTML order while loading resources. When the resources demand a lot of processing power from the user's device, it may significantly slow down the rate at which the page is shown. In most cases, though, these scripts aren't required to see the page. Often, it's good to let these scripts execute after the page has loaded. You may fix this by making your render-blocking JavaScript load asynchronously or removing unnecessary scripts (or unused portions of your JavaScript resources).

Use Expires Headers

Repeat visitors to your website will appreciate the time savings headers provide. They tell the browser to either get a file from the server or retrieve it from local storage. Website load times are improved since fewer files need to be downloaded from the server, and fewer HTTP requests are made.

A single page on a modern website may include hundreds of files—the time required to load increases with the size of each file. Nevertheless, there is additional waiting time since each file transfer needs a request to the server. The Expires Header specifies the time after which the browser on your Mac (or another device) may use the file in its cache rather than downloading it again from the server.


Users may be redirected to another page when they go to a specific URL on one website. Every time a page has to load a new one, it takes a few extra milliseconds to do so because of redirects. Every second matters when you're trying to optimize a website for speed. The usage of redirects is discouraged unless essential.

Updated on: 05-Apr-2023


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