How to Enable or Disable SELinux Boolean Values?


SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) is a security module that provides mandatory access control (MAC) to Linux-based systems. The SELinux module works by ensuring that each process and user on the system only has access to the resources they need. It does this by defining security contexts for processes, files, and other system resources.

One of the key features of SELinux is its use of boolean values. These are binary options that can be set to either "on" or "off".

Explanation of SELinux Boolean Values

SELinux boolean values are binary options that determine whether a specific policy is enforced or not. Each boolean value corresponds to a specific SELinux rule or policy.

For example, the boolean value httpd_can_network_connect controls whether the Apache web server is allowed to make network connections. Boolean values can be set using the setsebool command in Linux.

Enabling SELinux Boolean Values

SELinux Boolean values are a set of flags that control various aspects of SELinux policy. These flags can be used to enable or disable certain security features, as well as to customize the behavior of your system.

Step-by-step instructions for enabling SELinux Boolean values

Before enabling a SELinux Boolean value, it's important to check the current status of your system's booleans. This can be done by running the following command −

semanage boolean -l 

Once you've identified which boolean you want to enable, you can use the following command −

setsebool boolean_name on 

For example, if you wanted to enable the httpd_can_network_connect boolean, you would run −

setsebool httpd_can_network_connect on 

Checking current status of SELinux boolean values

To check if a specific boolean is currently enabled or disabled on your system, run this command−

getsebool boolean_name 

For example, to check if httpd_can_network_connect is enabled or disabled, run −

getsebool httpd_can_network_connect 

This will return either "on" or "off", indicating whether the boolean is currently enabled or disabled.

Enabling a specific boolean value

To enable a specific SELinux Boolean value, use this command


where BOOLEAN_NAME is replaced with the name of the particular boolen and VALUE is either "1" (to enable) or "0" (to disable).

Verifying that the boolean value has been enabled

After enabling a SELinux Boolean value, it's important to verify that it has been successfully enabled. You can do this by checking the boolean's status with the getsebool command, as outlined in the previous section. If the boolean is now enabled, you should see "on" returned when running the command.

Disabling SELinux Boolean Values

SELinux Boolean values can be disabled to allow access to certain system functions which may otherwise be restricted. When a certain boolean value is disabled, access will be granted for specific actions that were previously denied by SELinux. The disabling of boolean values should only be done in cases where it is necessary, and users should ensure that they are aware of the potential security risks involved with disabling certain values.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Disabling SELinux Boolean Values:

  • First, check the current status of your SELinux boolean values using the command `semanage boolean -l`. This will display a list of all available booleans and their current status.

  • Identify the specific boolean value that you want to disable by searching through the list.

  • To disable the selected boolean value, use this command: `setsebool [boolean_name] off`.

  • Once you have disabled the boolean, verify that it has been turned off by checking its status using this command: `getsebool [boolean_name]`.

  • If after disabling a specific boolean value you find that it causes issues or errors in your system's functionality, simply revert back to its previous state by entering this command: `setsebool [boolean_name] on`.

It is important to note that not all booleans can or should be disabled as doing so could potentially compromise your system's security and functionality.

Checking Current Status of SELinux Boolean Values

Before disabling any SELinux Boolean values, it is critical to first determine their current status on your system and confirm if they are already set to "off". Utilize the semanage tool with the "-l" parameter for listing all current available booleans along with their respective statuses −

$ semanage boolean -l 

This shows you a list of available SELinux booleans and their current status, either "on" or "off". Once you confirm the boolean value you want to disable, take note of its name and status for future reference.

Disabling a Specific Boolean Value

To disable a specific SELinux boolean value, use the `setsebool` command followed by the name of the boolean and "off" as the parameter. For instance, to disable the httpd_use_nfs boolean, run this command −

$ setsebool httpd_use_nfs off 

Make sure that you input the correct name of the boolean before hitting enter as an incorrect value could cause issues with your system's functionality.

Verifying That The Boolean Value Has Been Disabled

After disabling a specific SELinux boolean value, it is essential to verify that it has been successfully turned off. Utilize this command to check its current status −

$ getsebool [boolean_name] 

The output should show that your preferred SELinux Boolean value has been disabled or turned off.

Niche Subtopics on SELinux Boolean Values

Using the 'semanage' command to Manage Booleans

The 'semanage' command is a powerful tool for managing SELinux policies, including booleans. It allows you to view, add, remove, and modify booleans easily.

To use this command, you must have the 'policycoreutils-python-utils' package installed. To view all available booleans using semanage, enter this command −

$ sudo semanage boolean -l 

This will display a list of all available booleans in your system.

To enable or disable a specific boolean using semanage, run the following commands −

$ sudo semanage boolean --modify --on 
$ sudo semanage boolean --modify --off 

Where '' is the name of the boolean you want to enable or disable.

You can verify that the boolean has been enabled or disabled by running −

$ getsebool 

Creating Custom Booleans in Selinux

Sometimes you may need to create custom booleans in SELinux to meet specific security requirements. To do this, you can use the 'semanage' command.

To create a new boolean using semanage, run −

$ sudo semanage boolean -m --on|off 

Where '' is the name of your new custom boolean. You can then check if your new custom boolean has been created with −

$ getsebool -a | grep "" 

You can also modify an existing custom bool with '-m', and delete it with '-d'.

Troubleshooting SELinux Issues

SELinux can sometimes be challenging to work with, especially if you're new to it. Troubleshooting SELinux issues can be time-consuming, but it's essential to ensure your system is secure. If you're experiencing issues with SELinux, the first thing to do is check the logs.

SELinux logs are stored in '/var/log/audit/audit.log'. You can use the 'ausearch' command to search for relevant log entries −

$ sudo ausearch -m avc -ts recent 

This will display all recent AVC (Access Vector Cache) denials.

You can also use 'audit2allow' and 'audit2why' commands to help determine why an AVC denial occurred. Another common issue is that some applications may not work correctly with SELinux enabled.

In this case, you can try disabling SELinux temporarily using −

$ sudo setenforce 0 

This will put SELinux into permissive mode instead of enforcing mode, allowing all actions but still logging them. This way, you can identify which actions are causing issues and create a custom policy accordingly.


SELinux is an important security feature that can protect your system by enforcing mandatory access controls. Enabling or disabling SELinux boolean values can be a helpful tool to customize these access controls to fit your specific needs. Understanding the process of enabling and disabling SELinux boolean values, as well as creating custom booleans and troubleshooting issues, can help you optimize the security of your system.

Updated on: 08-Jun-2023


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