How to Enable NGINX Status Page?


Web servers are at the heart of the internet, and as technology grows faster and more complex, modern web servers need to be able to handle a multitude of requests. One of the most popular open-source web servers is NGINX, a high-performance software that offers scalability, security, and reliability. NGINX is widely used because it's easy to use, deploy, and configure for different purposes.

In this article we will discuss what NGINX status page is all about; why it's important; how you can enable it; customize it; monitor server performance using data generated from status page after enabling.

Understanding NGINX Status Page

The Definition and Purpose of NGINX Status Page

NGINX status page is a built-in feature that provides up-to-date information about the performance of an NGINX web server. It displays real-time data on various metrics including server uptime, request processing time, active connections, and other key performance indicators.

This information helps system administrators to monitor server activity, identify bottlenecks and troubleshoot issues as they arise. The status page serves as a valuable tool for web developers who need to analyze how their application interacts with the webserver by monitoring HTTP request/response cycles.

Different Metrics Displayed on the Status Page

There are several key metrics displayed on the NGINX status page required to ensure optimal server performance. Some of these metrics include −

  • Active Connections − This metric displays the current number of active connections to the nginx server.

  • Accepted Connections − This metric indicates how many connections have been accepted since starting or restarting nginx.

  • Handled Requests − This metric shows how many requests were processed since starting or restarting nginx.

  • Total Requests − The total number of client requests processed by the nginx server since it started running.

  • Nginx Version and Build Information −information about your nginx version such as build version, date and time it was compiled.

  • CPU/Memory Usage − The cpu load percentage and the amount of memory used by nginx

These metrics provide valuable information to administrators about the performance of their server. They allow them to identify potential problems or bottlenecks in throughput and help optimize server resources. By understanding these metrics, developers can also predict future traffic loads and prepare their systems accordingly.

Enabling NGINX Status Page

NGINX status page is disabled by default, and it needs to be enabled in the configuration file. Before modifying the configuration file, it is always a good practice to make a backup copy of the original configuration file.

The first step is to open your NGINX configuration file with your preferred text editor.

The location of this file may vary depending on your server setup and operating system, but common locations include `/etc/nginx/nginx.conf` or `/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf`. Once you have opened the configuration file, locate the `http` block and add the following code −

server { 
   listen 80; 
   server_name; location /nginx_status { 
      stub_status on; access_log off; 
      allow; deny all; 

This code creates a new server block for our domain that listens on port 80 and enables NGINX status page at `/nginx_status`. The `stub_status` directive enables statistics gathering, while `access_log` set to off disables logging for this particular location block.

Provide examples of common configurations for enabling status page

There are various configurations you can use to enable NGINX status page depending on your specific needs. For instance, if you want to enable statistics gathering only from localhost, you can replace `allow; deny all;` with `allow; deny all;`, which allows connections from IP addresses within the specified range (in this case 192.168.10.*), but blocks all other connections.

This can be achieved by adding the `auth_basic` and `auth_basic_user_file` directives to the `/nginx_status` location block. For example −

location /nginx_status { 
   stub_status on; 
   access_log off; allow; 
   deny all; auth_basic "Restricted"; 
   auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd; 

This code adds basic HTTP authentication to restrict access to the status page and specifies a password file (`/etc/nginx/.htpasswd`) which contains user credentials.

Enabling NGINX status page is a simple process that requires modifying the configuration file and creating a new server block with specific directives to enable statistics gathering and restrict access to the status page.

Customizing NGINX Status Page

Once you have enabled the NGINX status page, you may want to customize its appearance to enhance its readability and usability. Fortunately, customizing the status page is relatively simple and can be done using CSS or HTML code.

Using CSS for Customization

One way to customize the status page is to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). With CSS, you can change various aspects of the layout and design of the status page.

For example, you could change the font size and color of text on the page, or adjust padding and margins to better highlight certain elements. To use CSS for customization, first create a new file named "nginx_status.css" in your server's root directory.

Then add your desired CSS code to this file. For example, if you wanted to increase the font size of all text on the status page by 1 pixel, you could add this code to nginx_status.css: ```

body { font-size: 17px; } ``` 

Keep in mind that changes made with CSS will only affect how the status page appears in a web browser. They will not alter any of the data shown on the page.

Using HTML for Customization

Another way to customize the status page is by modifying its underlying HTML code. This method allows for more substantial changes since it involves altering how information is presented on the actual webpage. To modify HTML for customization purposes, start by locating your server's default nginx_status.html file (usually located in /usr/share/nginx/html/).

Create a copy of this file and rename it something like "custom_nginx_status.html". Then open this new file in a text editor and begin making modifications as desired.

Monitoring Server Performance with NGINX Status Page

The NGINX status page provides valuable information that can be used to monitor the performance of your server and to troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

By regularly checking the status page, you can get real-time updates on important metrics such as active connections, requests per second, and the number of connections being refused due to a lack of resources.

Using Data from NGINX Status Page for Troubleshooting

In addition to monitoring server performance, the NGINX status page can also be used for troubleshooting purposes. For instance, if you notice a high number of requests being refused due to a lack of resources, this could indicate that your server is overwhelmed and needs additional resources allocated to it. Alternatively, if there are a large number of open connections but no active requests, this could indicate that there is an issue with your application preventing it from properly closing connections.

Another useful feature of the status page is its ability to show which client IPs are making requests and which URLs are being accessed.


Enabling and customizing NGINX status page is a great way to monitor the performance of your web server. The status page provides valuable information about the server's activity, such as active connections, requests per second, and CPU usage. By monitoring this data, you can identify potential issues before they become critical problems that impact your website's availability.

Updated on: 08-Jun-2023


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