How to do Canary Deployments on Kubernetes?


Deploying applications to production without proper testing or validation can lead to disastrous consequences. In today's fast-paced software development environment, it is imperative to have a reliable and efficient way of releasing new features and updates, while minimizing the risk of downtime or failure. This is where Canary Deployments come into play.

Canary Deployment is a technique used in software deployment for rolling out new versions of an application in small increments, rather than deploying the whole update at once. The term "canary" refers to using a small group of users as test subjects for new releases before rolling them out to everyone else. Canary Deployments are achieved by routing a portion of traffic from production users to the updated version while keeping the rest on the previous stable version.

Setting up the Environment

Creating a Kubernetes Cluster

Before we can start deploying our application on Kubernetes, we need to set up a cluster to host it. Kubernetes is an open-source platform that allows you to manage containerized workloads and services. It provides a powerful API that enables automation, scaling, and deployment of applications.

To create a Kubernetes cluster, you will need to choose a cloud provider such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), or Microsoft Azure. Each provider has its own set of tools for creating and managing clusters, but they all follow similar steps.

Installing and Configuring Istio Service Mesh

Istio is an open-source service mesh that provides traffic management, security, observability, and policy enforcement for microservices running on Kubernetes clusters. By installing Istio on your cluster, you can easily implement canary deployments without changing your application code. To install Istio on your cluster, you will need to download the latest release from the official website and follow the installation instructions for your cloud provider.

Once Istio is installed on your cluster, you will need to configure it by defining service entries and virtual services for your application. Service entries allow Istio to discover external services outside of the cluster while virtual services allow you to define traffic routing rules based on specific criteria such as HTTP headers or source IP addresses.

Setting up a reliable environment is crucial when deploying applications on Kubernetes using canary deployment techniques. By creating a solid foundation with a properly configured infrastructure and installing essential tools such as Istio Service Mesh, developers can achieve effective traffic management and control over their microservices-based applications running in production environments.

Preparing the Application for Canary Deployment

Containerizing the Application

The first step in preparing an application for Canary deployment is to containerize it. Containerization provides a higher level of isolation, scalability, and portability. You can easily package up your application and its dependencies into a single container image that can be deployed consistently across different environments.

A Dockerfile is used to define the instructions for building the container image. It contains a set of commands that specify what should be included in the image, such as which base image to use, which files to copy into the image, and which commands to run when starting up the container.

Creating Multiple Versions of the Application

Canary deployments rely on having multiple versions of an application available simultaneously. This allows you to gradually roll out new features or updates while still maintaining stability and minimizing risk. To create multiple versions of your application, you can either create separate Docker images for each version or include version-specific configuration files within a single Docker image.

For example, you might have a production version tagged as "latest" and a new version tagged with its version number. It's important to ensure that each version is fully functional and has been thoroughly tested before deploying it in any environment.

Configuring Canary Deployment on Kubernetes with Istio Service Mesh

Defining Traffic Splitting Rules for Canary Deployment

When it comes to configuring Canary Deployments, it is essential to set up traffic splitting rules in order to direct traffic between different versions of the application. One way to achieve this is by using Istio Service Mesh, which provides powerful features that enable canary deployments with minimal effort.

To define traffic splitting rules, you have to create a VirtualService resource in Kubernetes that defines the destination for incoming traffic and how it should be split between different versions of the application. You can use various criteria such as HTTP headers, query parameters or cookies to route traffic based on specific user preferences.

Configuring Metrics and Monitoring for Canary Deployment

Another important aspect of Canary Deployments is monitoring the performance of different versions of your application while they are running in production environments. This allows you to detect issues early and improve user experience by catching errors before they impact end-users. Istio provides several mechanisms for collecting metrics and monitoring your application's performance during canary deployments.

These include tools such as Grafana, Prometheus or Jaeger that allow you to visualize metrics such as response times, error rates or server load so you can compare them across different versions of your application. Overall, applying metrics and monitoring best practices while configuring a canary deployment using Istio service mesh will help ensure reliable and consistent performance levels throughout your production environment even during major updates or changes in codebase.

Testing and Validating the Canary Deployment

Canary deployments are a powerful way to ensure that new versions of applications don't have negative impacts on user experience. However, before fully rolling out new versions, it's important to test and validate them thoroughly. In this section, we'll discuss different methods for testing and validating canary deployments.

Running Tests on Different Versions of the Application

One method for testing canary deployments is to run tests on both the current production version and the new version being rolled out. By running tests in parallel, you can compare how each version performs under different conditions. For example, you might run stress tests to see how each version responds to high traffic loads or simulate user interactions with different parts of the application.

Analyzing Metrics to Validate Performance

Another way to validate canary deployments is by analyzing metrics related to performance and user experience. Metrics like response time, error rates, and application uptime can help you determine whether users are experiencing any issues with the new version.

If metrics are within acceptable thresholds for both versions, it's likely that the new version is safe to roll out more widely. To gather these metrics effectively requires a monitoring system that's integrated with your Kubernetes cluster.

With Istio Service Mesh installed on Kubernetes, you can use its built-in observability features such as Prometheus or Jaeger to collect performance-related data about your application. Overall, testing and validating canary deployments requires a lot of attention to detail but pays off in providing high-quality updates without causing unwanted downtime or issues for customers.


Canary deployments offer significant benefits to the application deployment workflow, providing the ability to deploy new applications incrementally while closely monitoring performance metrics and minimizing risk. Using Kubernetes and Istio for canary deployments provides an even more powerful set of tools for managing traffic, service routing, and monitoring. By following best practices for setting up and configuring a canary deployment pipeline on Kubernetes with Istio Service Mesh, organizations can streamline their deployment processes and improve application quality.

Updated on: 11-Jul-2023


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