How to access a collection in MongoDB using Python?

MongoDB is a well-known NoSQL database that offers a scalable and flexible approach to store and retrieve data, it is also possible to access the database collections through Python, which is a versatile programming language. Integrating MongoDB with Python enables developers to interact with their database collections effortlessly.

This article provides an in-depth explanation of how to access a MongoDB collection using Python. It covers the required steps, syntax, and techniques for connecting to, querying, and manipulating data.


PyMongo is a Python library that serves as the official MongoDB driver. It provides a straightforward and intuitive interface to interact with MongoDB databases from Python applications.

Developed and maintained by the MongoDB organization, PyMongo allows Python developers to seamlessly connect to MongoDB and perform various database operations. It leverages the powerful features of MongoDB, such as its flexible document-oriented data model, high scalability, and rich query capabilities.

How to access a collection in MongoDB using python?

By following these steps given below, we can successfully access a collection in MongoDB using Python and perform various operations on the data stored within it −

  • Install the MongoDB Python driver − Begin by installing the pymongo package, the official MongoDB driver for Python. You can use the pip package manager by running the command pip install pymongo.

  • Import the necessary modules − In your Python script, import the required modules, including pymongo and MongoClient. The MongoClient class provides the interface to connect to the MongoDB server.

  • Establish a connection − Create a MongoDB client object using the MongoClient class, specifying the connection details such as the hostname and port number. If the MongoDB server is running on the default port (27017) on your local machine, you can simply use client = MongoClient().

  • Access the database − Once connected, specify the database you want to work with. Use the client object followed by the name of the database to access it. For example, db = client.mydatabase will give you access to the "mydatabase" database.

  • Access the collection − Now that you have access to the database, you can retrieve a specific collection by calling it using the db object. For instance, collection = db.mycollection will allow you to work with the "mycollection" collection within the chosen database.

  • Perform operations on the collection − You can now use various methods provided by the collection object to perform operations such as inserting, updating, deleting, or querying documents within the collection. These operations are accomplished using functions such as insert_one(), update_one(), delete_one(), or find().

  • Close the connection − Once you have completed your operations, it is good practice to close the MongoDB connection. Use the close() method on the client object to terminate the connection gracefully.

Below is an example program that demonstrates how to access a collection in MongoDB using Python, along with the expected output −


from pymongo import MongoClient

# Establish a connection to the MongoDB server
client = MongoClient()

# Access the desired database
db = client.mydatabase

# Access the collection within the database
collection = db.mycollection

# Insert a document into the collection
document = {"name": "John", "age": 30}
print("Document inserted successfully.")

# Retrieve documents from the collection
documents = collection.find()
print("Documents in the collection:")
for doc in documents:

# Update a document in the collection
collection.update_one({"name": "John"}, {"$set": {"age": 35}})
print("Document updated successfully.")

# Retrieve the updated document
updated_doc = collection.find_one({"name": "John"})
print("Updated Document:")

# Delete a document from the collection
collection.delete_one({"name": "John"})
print("Document deleted successfully.")

# Verify the deletion by retrieving the document again
deleted_doc = collection.find_one({"name": "John"})
print("Deleted Document:")

# Close the MongoDB connection


Document inserted successfully.
Documents in the collection:
{'_id': ObjectId('646364820b3f42435e3ad5df'), 'name': 'John', 'age': 30}
Document updated successfully.
Updated Document:
{'_id': ObjectId('646364820b3f42435e3ad5df'), 'name': 'John', 'age': 35}
Document deleted successfully.
Deleted Document:

In the above program, we first import the MongoClient class from the pymongo module. We then established a connection to the MongoDB server using client = MongoClient(). By default, this connects to the MongoDB server running on the localhost at the default port (27017).

Next, we accessed the desired database by assigning it to the db variable. In this example, we assume the database is named "mydatabase".

After that, we access the collection within the database by assigning it to the collection variable. Here, we assume the collection is named "mycollection".

We then demonstrate inserting a document into the collection using the insert_one() method and print a success message.

To retrieve documents from the collection, we use the find() method, which returns a cursor object. We iterate through the cursor and print each document.

We have also showcased updating a document in the collection using the update_one() method and printing a success message.

To retrieve the updated document, we use the find_one() method with a query specifying the updated document's field. We print the updated document.

We demonstrated deleting a document from the collection using the delete_one() method and printing a success message. To verify the deletion, we try to retrieve the document again using the find_one() method and print the result.

Finally, we closed the MongoDB connection using client.close() to release resources gracefully.


In conclusion, accessing a collection in MongoDB using Python is made simple and efficient with the help of the PyMongo library. By following the steps outlined in this article, developers can connect, query, and manipulate data seamlessly, unlocking the power of MongoDB in their Python projects.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023


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