How do I write to the file I selected using filedialog.asksaveasfile?

In Python, the filedialog module from the tkinter library provides a convenient way to prompt the user for a file selection. The asksaveasfile function specifically allows the user to select a file to save data. Once the user selects a file, you may wonder how to write data to that file. In this article, we will explore how to use filedialog.asksaveasfile to select a file and write data to it.

Understanding filedialog.asksaveasfile

The filedialog.asksaveasfile function is a part of the filedialog module in tkinter. It opens a file dialog box that allows the user to select or create a file for saving data. When the user selects a file, the function returns a file object that you can use to write data to the chosen file.

Using filedialog.asksaveasfile to Select a File

Before we dive into writing data to the selected file, let's first understand how to use filedialog.asksaveasfile to prompt the user for file selection.

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog

root = tk.Tk()

file = filedialog.asksaveasfile(defaultextension=".txt")

if file is not None:
   # Write data to the file
   file.write("Hello, World!")

In this code snippet, we import the necessary modules, create a Tkinter root window, and then hide it using root.withdraw() to prevent it from appearing on the screen.

Next, we call filedialog.asksaveasfile to prompt the user to select a file. We provide the defaultextension parameter to specify the default file extension that will be appended if the user doesn't specify one. In this example, the default extension is set to .txt. The function returns a file object that represents the selected file.

Writing Data to the Selected File

Once the user selects a file using filedialog.asksaveasfile, we can use the returned file object to write data to that file. In the previous example, after checking that the file object is not None, we write the string "Hello, World!" to the file and then close it.

It's important to note that the returned file object behaves similarly to a regular file object in Python. Therefore, you can use methods such as write, writelines, and close to write data to the file and manage the file's lifecycle.

Error Handling and Exception Handling

When working with files, it's essential to handle potential errors and exceptions. Here are a few points to consider −

  • Checking if the File Object is None − It's a good practice to check if the returned file object is not None before writing data to it. If the user cancels the file selection dialog, the returned file object will be None.

  • Handling File I/O Errors − When writing to a file, it's important to handle potential I/O errors. The write method may raise an exception if there are any issues writing to the file. You can use a try-except block to catch and handle such exceptions.

if file is not None:
      file.write("Hello, World!")
   except IOError as e:
      print("An error occurred while writing to the file:", e)

In this modified code snippet, we wrap the write and close statements inside a try-except block. If an IOError occurs, we catch the exception and print an error message. This ensures that any potential errors during the file write operation are gracefully handled.


In conclusion, the filedialog.asksaveasfile function in Python's tkinter library provides a convenient way to prompt the user for file selection and obtain a file object to write data to the selected file. By utilizing this functionality, you can enhance your applications by allowing users to save their data in a specific location.

In this article, we explored how to use filedialog.asksaveasfile to prompt the user for file selection and obtain a file object. We also discussed the importance of error handling and exception handling when working with file writing operations. It's crucial to check if the returned file object is not None and handle potential file I/O errors gracefully.

By following the provided examples and techniques, you can effectively integrate file selection and writing capabilities into your applications. Whether you're building a text editor, a data logging tool, or any application that requires data to be saved, the filedialog.asksaveasfile function can be a valuable asset in providing a seamless and user-friendly experience.

Updated on: 05-Dec-2023


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