Guider - A System Wide Linux Performance Analyzer


Guider is a powerful system-wide Linux performance analyzer designed to provide developers, system administrators, and other technical professionals with deep insights into the performance of their Linux systems. Its purpose is to help users identify and resolve performance bottlenecks so that they can optimize their systems for maximum efficiency.

Unlike many other performance analysis tools that focus on individual processes or specific system components, Guider provides comprehensive data on the entire system, including CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O, network I/O, and process activity. This allows users to see how different components of the system are interacting with each other and identify potential issues that may be impacting overall performance.

Overview of Guider

Guider is a Linux application that provides system-wide performance analysis capabilities. This means that it can monitor and report on the usage of resources such as CPU, memory, disk I/O, network I/O, and process activity across the entire system. The main purpose of Guider is to provide administrators with real-time insights into the performance of their Linux systems so that they can identify bottlenecks and optimize resource usage.

Installation and Configuration

To install and configure "Guider," a system-wide Linux performance analyzer, you can follow these general steps −

Install Dependencies

Ensure that your Linux distribution is up to date with the latest packages.

Install required dependencies like gcc, make, and cmake.

Download Guider −

Visit the Guider GitHub repository ( and clone or download the source code.

Build Guider −

Navigate to the downloaded Guider source code directory.

Run the following commands to build Guider −

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Install Guider −

After the build process completes successfully, run the following command to install Guider −

sudo make install

Configure Guider −

Guider requires root privileges to access system-wide performance information. Therefore, you need to configure permissions to run Guider without being root. There are a few options to accomplish this −

Option 1 − Set the setuid bit on the Guider binary (not recommended for security reasons) −

sudo chmod u+s /path/to/guider

Note − Replace "/path/to/guider" with the actual path where Guider is installed.

Option 2 − Create a sudoers configuration file for Guider −

Run the following command to open the sudoers file with the visudo command −

sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/guider

Add the following line to the file −


Replace "YOUR_USERNAME" with your actual username and "/path/to/guider" with the actual path where Guider is installed.

Test Guider −

To test Guider, open a terminal and run the following command −

guider --help

If Guider is installed and configured correctly, you should see the help information.

That's it! You have successfully installed and configured Guider, the system-wide Linux performance analyzer.

Performance Analysis with Guider

Using Guider to Monitor CPU Usage, Memory Usage, Disk I/O, Network I/O, and Process Activity

To monitor CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O, network I/O, and process activity using Guider, you can utilize its various command-line options. Here are some examples −

CPU Usage

To monitor CPU usage, you can use the --cpu option −

guider --cpu

This command will display real-time CPU usage statistics, including the overall CPU usage percentage and usage per individual CPU core.

Memory Usage

To monitor memory usage, use the --mem option −

guider --mem

This command will provide information about memory usage, including total memory, used memory, free memory, and memory usage by individual processes.

Disk I/O

To monitor disk I/O, use the --disk option −

guider --disk

This command will display disk I/O statistics, including the read and write rates in bytes per second for each disk or partition.

Network I/O

To monitor network I/O, use the --net option −

guider --net

This command will show network I/O statistics, including the data transfer rates in bytes per second for each network interface.

Process Activity

To monitor process activity, use the --process option −

guider --process

This command will provide information about the running processes, including their process IDs (PIDs), CPU usage, memory usage, and other related metrics.

You can combine multiple options to monitor all the desired metrics simultaneously. For example, to monitor CPU usage, memory usage, and disk I/O, you can run the following command −

guider --cpu --mem --disk

Guider will continuously update the statistics in real-time until you interrupt the command (e.g., by pressing Ctrl+C). You can refer to the Guider documentation or use the guider --help command for more details on additional options and customization features provided by the tool.

Analyzing System Bottlenecks and Identifying Performance Issues

Guider utility can be useful for analyzing system bottlenecks and identifying performance issues in Linux systems. Here are some steps you can follow −

Collect Performance Data

Guider allows you to collect performance data over a specific time period using the --output option. You can save the performance data to a file for further analysis or generate reports.

Analyze Performance Data

Once you have collected performance data using Guider, you can analyze it using various tools and techniques. For example, you can plot the data using graphing libraries like gnuplot or import it into spreadsheet software for further analysis.

Identify Bottlenecks and Performance Issues

Based on the analysis of system metrics, process activity, and performance data, you can identify potential bottlenecks and performance issues. Look for patterns, correlations, and anomalies that can help pinpoint the root causes of performance degradation.

Generating Reports and Visualizations With Guider Data

To generate reports and visualizations with Guider data, you can follow these steps −

Collect Guider Data

Use Guider to collect performance data over a specific time period. You can specify the duration and sampling interval using the --duration and --interval options, respectively. For example −

guider --cpu --mem --disk --duration 300 --interval 5 --output data.txt

This command will collect CPU, memory, and disk metrics every 5 seconds for a duration of 300 seconds (5 minutes) and save the data to the data.txt file.

Prepare the Data

Once you have collected the Guider data, you may need to preprocess it or extract relevant information depending on the type of visualization or report you want to generate. You can use scripting languages like Python or data manipulation tools like awk or sed to process the data and extract the necessary fields.

Generate Visualizations

Use the chosen visualization tool to create plots, graphs, or charts based on the processed Guider data. Depending on your needs, you can create line plots, bar charts, histograms, or any other visual representation that effectively communicates the performance metrics.

Create Reports

Combine the generated visualizations with textual descriptions, analysis, and insights to create comprehensive performance reports. You can use tools like Jupyter Notebook, LaTeX, or word processing software to assemble the visualizations and accompanying text into a cohesive report.

Remember to consider the specific requirements of your analysis and audience when selecting visualization tools and report formats. The choice of tools and techniques may vary based on the nature of the data, the complexity of the analysis, and the desired level of detail in the reports and visualizations.


Guider offers an effective and comprehensive solution for system-wide Linux performance analysis. With its powerful features and capabilities, users can easily monitor their server's performance and identify any bottlenecks or issues that may be impacting its efficiency. This tool is a must-have for systems administrators who want to ensure uptime and maintain the health of their Linux servers.

Updated on: 23-Aug-2023


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