Grails - Application Profiles


In Grails, by default the "web" profile is used while creating the application. The following command is used for creating the application:

grails create-app grailsapp

You can specify other profiles also for your application by passing following arguments with the command shown below:

grails create-app grailsapp --profile=rest-api

The source for the profiles are available on Github website. These profiles generally include the project commands, templates and plugins that are designed to work for a given profile

To get the list of available profiles and for more information on a particular profile, you can use the following commands respectively:

grails list-profiles (list of profiles)
grails profile-info rest-api (information on particular profile)

The following table show some more details about profiles in grails:

S.N.Types & Description
1 Creating Profiles
Creating Profiles helps you to setup a default set of commands and plugins that are tailored to a particular technology or organisation.
2 Profile Inheritance and Publishing Profiles
You can define inheritance of a profile and define the profile dependences and You can publish your profiles to Grails Central Repository and also to an Internal Repository.
3 Understanding Profiles
Understanding profile means contents of directories containing the "commands", "skeleton" and "templates" defined by the profile.