Grails - Overview

What is Grails?

Grails is an open source, full stack, web application framework based on Groovy and Java programming language.


Grails is developed by Graeme Rocher and is initially released in October 2005 under the licence Apache 2.0. The stable release is 3.2.9 which released in April 2017.

Why to use Grails?

  • It has a very responsive community support for both new as well as seasoned users.

  • It makes a Java developer very easy to get started with using grails web-application development.

  • It easily integrates with the Java code that is already written.

  • It has a large amount of plugins available.

  • It provides a mechanism to reload and apply your changes.


  • It works on the principal of DRY and Convention over Configuration pattern.

  • It provides an interactive mode for faster execution of Grails commands.

  • It provides the integration with the Quartz Scheduler.

  • It has a built-in support for Ajax, validation, unit and functional testing.

  • It provides a stand-alone development environment and hides the configuration from the developer.
