Functional Components Vs. Class Components in ReactJS

Functional Components or stateless components are the most widely used type of components with a basic syntax of JavaScript Functions that return the JSX code or the HTML code.

They are called as stateless components because they accept the data and display it accordingly and are mainly responsible for the rendering of the UI.


import React from ‘react’;

const App=()=>{
   return (
export default App


Class based or stateful Components are the ES6 classes that extend the component class of the react library. They are known as stateful components because they are responsible for the implementation of the logic. It has different phases of the React lifecycle including rendering, mounting, updating and unmounting stage.


import React from 'react';

class App extends React.Component{
   render() {
      return (
export default App


Difference between functional and class-based component

Class-based ComponentsFunctional Components
It must have a render() method.It doesn’t have a render() method.
React lifecycle methods (like componentDidMount, etc.) are used.React hooks are there to be as a better alternative to the traditional React lifecycle methods.
It has more code and hence, is less readable.It has less code and hence, is more readable.

Updated on: 18-Mar-2021

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