Foundation - Reveal


Foundation allows creating modal dialogs or pop-up window using reveal class.

The following table lists the some of the Reveal features −

Sr.No. Feature & Description
1 Reveal Basics

Create modal dialogs or pop-up window using the reveal class.

2 Modals in Modals

Foundation allow us to create modal within modal.

3 Reveal Video

It creates a modal to display the video.

4 Reveal Sizing

It creates different types of modals such as tiny, small and large modals.

5 Reveal Full Screen

You can create full screen modal according to width and height of the window.

6 Reveal No Overlay

Foundation removes the overlay by setting data-overlay to false.

7 Reveal Animations

It creates the animations on the modal.

8 Sass Reference

You can change the styles of the components by using SASS variables.

9 JavaScript Reference

Foundation provides JavaScript components for the modal.
