Find two disjoint good sets of vertices in a given graph

This article explains the perplexing process of finding two totally partitioned sets of vertices inside a given chart using a convoluted calculation. The substance of the calculation lies within the idea of chart colouring, wherein colours are efficiently relegated to vertices, guaranteeing that no adjoining vertices share the same colour. By taking this overly complex approach, the calculation shrewdly builds two dissimilar sets of vertices, each comprising vertices bearing particular colours. The paramount objective is to set up a clear boundary between these sets, rendering them void of any interconnection edges. The technique utilised encompasses a combination of strenuous methods, including counting ravenous colouring and backtracking.

Methods Used

  • Greedy colouring

  • Backtracking

Greedy Colouring

Within the context of finding two disjoint great sets of vertices in a given chart, greedy colouring is an approach where vertices are assigned colours iteratively. The method starts with a purge set and allots the primary accessible colour to a vertex. At that point, it proceeds to the following vertex and relegates the most accessible colour that's not utilised by its adjoining vertices. This handle proceeds until all vertices are assigned colours. By taking after this covetous approach, we guarantee that no two adjoining vertices have the same colour, shaping two disjoint sets of vertices with distinctive colours, fulfilling the necessity for disjoint great sets within the given chart.


  • Initialise a purge set for the primary disjoint set of vertices, set1.

  • Initialise a purge set for the moment's disjoint set of vertices, set2.

  • Initialise a cluster, colour[], to keep track of the doled out colours for each vertex.

  • For each vertex v within the graph:

  • Assign colour[v] as (indicating the vertex is uncolored).

  • For each vertex v within the graph:

  • If colour[v] is 0,

  • Assign a modern colour to v (beginning with 1).

  • Add v to set1.

  • For each adjoining vertex u of v:

  • If colour[u] is 0:

  • Assign the same colour to you.

  • Add u to set2.

  • The two big separate collections of vertices should be returned as sets 1 and 2.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

// Function to reverse a string
std::string reverseString(const std::string& str) {
   std::string reversedStr;
   for (int i = str.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
      reversedStr += str[i];
   return reversedStr;

int main() {
   std::string message = "Hello, world!";
   std::string reversed = reverseString(message);
   std::cout << "Reversed string: " << reversed << std::endl;
   return 0;


Reversed string: !dlrow ,olleH


Backtracking, within the context of finding two disjoint great sets of vertices in a given chart, is an algorithmic approach that methodically investigates diverse colour assignments for vertices. It begins with the primary vertex and tries to allot distinctive colours while guaranteeing that no adjoining vertices have the same colour. In the event that a conflict emerges, the calculation backtracks to the past vertex and tries a diverse colour task. This preparation is rehashed until all vertices are doled out in colours, shaping two disjoint sets of vertices. Backtracking permits a comprehensive look at all conceivable colour assignments, guaranteeing the arrangement of disjoint sets that fulfil the given limitations.


  • Initialise a purge set for each disjoint set.

  • Start with the primary vertex within the graph.

  • Assign a colour (e.g., "0") to the current vertex and include it in the primary disjoint set.

  • Move to another vertex.

  • Check if the current vertex can be assigned a colour such that it isn't adjoining any vertices with the same colour within the same disjoint set. In case a substantial colour is found, dole it out to the vertex and include it in the current disjoint set.

  • If a substantial colour cannot be found, backtrack to the previous vertex and attempt a diverse colour assignment.

  • Repeat steps 5 and 6 for all remaining vertices within the graph.

  • If all vertices have been allotted colours and included in disjoint sets, stop.

  • If it isn't conceivable to dole out colours to all vertices while fulfilling the condition of disjoint sets, backtrack assist to past vertices and attempt diverse colour assignments until all conceivable outcomes are exhausted.

  • Once all conceivable outcomes have been investigated, the calculation will discover two disjoint great sets of vertices in case they exist.


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

void initializePurgeSet(std::vector<std::vector<int>>& purgeSet, int numVertices) {

int main() {
   int numVertices = 10;  // Example number of vertices

   std::vector<std::vector<int>> purgeSet;
   initializePurgeSet(purgeSet, numVertices);

   // Set the purge sets for each disjoint set
   purgeSet[0] = {1, 2, 3};
   purgeSet[1] = {4, 5};
   purgeSet[2] = {6};
   purgeSet[3] = {7, 8, 9, 10};
   purgeSet[4] = {11, 12, 13};

   for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++) {
      std::cout << "Purge set for disjoint set " << i << ": ";
      if (purgeSet[i].empty()) {
         std::cout << "Empty";
      } else {
         for (int vertex : purgeSet[i]) {
            std::cout << vertex << " ";
      std::cout << std::endl;

   return 0;


Purge set for disjoint set 0: 1 2 3 
Purge set for disjoint set 1: 4 5 
Purge set for disjoint set 2: 6 
Purge set for disjoint set 3: 7 8 9 10 
Purge set for disjoint set 4: 11 12 13 
Purge set for disjoint set 5: Empty
Purge set for disjoint set 6: Empty
Purge set for disjoint set 7: Empty
Purge set for disjoint set 8: Empty
Purge set for disjoint set 9: Empty


This article gives an algorithmic approach to finding two disjoint sets of vertices in a given chart, utilising the concepts of chart colouring. The calculation, actualized by utilising strategies like greedy colouring and backtracking, relegates colours to vertices in such a way that no two adjoining vertices have the same colour. This guarantees the arrangement of two disjoint sets where vertices inside the same set are not associated with edges. The article presents the step-by-step calculation and gives test code pieces in C exhibiting diverse capacities such as finding the greatest esteem, calculating factorials, turning around a string, and checking in the event that a number is prime.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2023


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