Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target in Python

Suppose we have a list of sorted characters’ letters. This is containing only lowercase letters, now we have a target letter t, we have to find the smallest element in the list that is larger than the given target.

And letters also wrap around. So, if the target is t = 'z' and letters = ['a', 'b'], the answer is 'a'.

So, if the input is like ["c", "f", "j"], t = 'a', then the output will be 'c'.

To solve this, we will follow these steps −

  • l := 0
  • r := size of letters - 1
  • while l <= r, do
    • mid :=(l + r) / 2 as integer
    • if letters[mid] > target, then
      • r := mid -1
    • otherwise,
      • l := mid + 1
  • return letters[l mod size of letters]

Let us see the following implementation to get better understanding −


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class Solution:
   def nextGreatestLetter(self, letters, target):
      l = 0
      r = len(letters) - 1
      while l <= r:
         mid = (l + r)//2
         if letters[mid] > target:
            r = mid -1
            l = mid + 1
      return letters[l % len(letters)]
ob = Solution()
print(ob.nextGreatestLetter(["c", "f", "j"], "a"))


["c", "f", "j"], "a"



Updated on: 04-Jul-2020


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