Display Custom Welcome Messages on the Linux Terminal

On an operating system based on Linux, the Linux terminal is a potent tool for carrying out commands and managing various tasks. Although some people might find it intimidating, personalizing the terminal can improve the user experience and give the Linux environment a more unique feel. In this article, we'll look at how to display personalized welcome messages on the Linux terminal, giving users the opportunity to make each time they open a terminal session feel special and warm.

Customizing the Bashrc File

Every time a fresh terminal session is opened, a script in the Bashrc file is run. It offers a fantastic chance to show personalized messages, helpful data, or even some amusing quotes when the terminal is opened. To get started, launch a terminal and enter the command cd to go to your home directory.

The Bashrc file needs to be opened in a text editor next. You can make use of the text editor of your choice, such as Nano or Vim. For instance, you can use the following command to open the Bashrc file if you prefer Nano 

nano ~/.bashrc

When you open the file, you'll see that it contains a number of environment variables and configurations that are used when a new terminal session is launched. Find a suitable spot or scroll to the bottom of the page to add your personalized welcome message.

Adding a Basic Welcome Message

Let's begin by including a brief welcome statement. You can display text in the terminal by using the echo command in the Bashrc file. As a model for your welcome message, you can add the next piece of code 

# Custom welcome message
echo "Welcome to the Linux Terminal!"
echo "System Information: $(uname -a)"

Please feel free to change the message or include any additional pertinent information. You could, for instance, show the time and date right now or give useful instructions for using the terminal.

Save the file after adding your preferred welcome message and then close the text editor. To do this in Nano, press Ctrl + X, then Y to accept the changes and Enter to save the file.

Testing the Custom Welcome Message

Open a fresh terminal window to test the modifications, or use the command below to reload the Bashrc file in the active terminal window −

source ~/.bashrc

You ought to see your personalized welcome message displayed at the top of the terminal window after loading the Bashrc file once more. This offers a friendly greeting and puts important system information at your fingertips.

Adding ASCII Art

You can add ASCII art to the Bashrc file to further customize your welcome message and make it more visually appealing. Using text characters to make images or designs is known as ASCII art. You can use one of the many online generators to make unique ASCII art or you can make your own.

To add ASCII art to the Bashrc file, follow these steps −

  • Make the ASCII art you want by typing it into a text editor or using an online generator. To prevent distortion, make sure the ASCII art fits within the terminal window's width.

  • Using a text editor, locate the Bashrc file and copy the ASCII art there.

  • Paste the ASCII art in the file's appropriate location. To maintain the formatting, it is advised to enclose the ASCII art in quotation marks.

Use the source /.bashrc command to reload the Bashrc file in your terminal session after saving the file. Your unique ASCII art will now be displayed alongside the welcome message, giving your Linux terminal a distinctive and customized touch.

Advanced Customizations

There are numerous additional ways to personalize your Linux terminal in addition to the default welcome message and ASCII art.

  • Prompt Customization  Each command line begins with the text that is known as the terminal prompt. The PS1 variable in the Bashrc file allows you to customize your prompt and enhance its informational and aesthetic value. You can, for instance, add colors, show the current working directory, or even add details about the Git branch. Here is an illustration of how to alter the prompt 

# Custom prompt
PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '

The username, hostname, and current working directory will all be shown in green and blue on this custom prompt. You are welcome to experiment with various prompt configurations to find the one that best suits your preferences.

  • Alias Configuration  Aliases can be used to create shortcuts for frequently used commands, speeding up your terminal usage. To define aliases and save time on typing, you can add them to the Bashrc file. For example, you can create an alias to quickly access a specific directory or use one alias to execute a series of commands. Here's an example of an alias definition 

# Custom aliases
alias ll='ls -alF'
alias update='sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade'

In this example, the update alias is defined to update the system by executing both the apt update and apt upgrade commands, while the ll alias is created to display a detailed list of files and directories. For your frequently used commands, create aliases to simplify your workflow.

  • Environment Variables  The environment variables used by various programs and scripts can be defined in the Bashrc file. The path to additional executables, the default editor, and any other custom variables you require can all be set. Here is an illustration of how to set an environment variable 

# Custom environment variables
export EDITOR=nano
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/custom/executables

The default editor for opening files in this example is Nano because the EDITOR variable is set to Nano. Additionally, a unique directory containing additional executables is added to the PATH variable. Depending on your unique requirements and preferences, define the environment variables.

You can modify your Linux terminal to fit your preferences and workflow by investigating these advanced customizations.


Customizing the welcome messages in the Linux terminal allows you to create a personalized and enjoyable experience. Adding your welcome message, system information, or even ASCII art can make the terminal feel like your own. Exploring advanced customizations like prompt customization, alias configuration, and environment variables enhances productivity and efficiency in the Linux environment.

Remember to save and reload the Bashrc file to see the changes take effect. Experiment and explore additional ways to customize your Linux terminal. Make it your own to increase productivity and have fun. Enjoy creating your unique Linux terminal experience!

Updated on: 26-Jul-2023


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