Difference between User-CPU-Time and System-CPU-Time in UNIX

In UNIX−based operating systems, such as Linux, there are two types of CPU time that are commonly measured: user CPU time and system CPU time. These metrics provide insights into how the CPU resources are being utilized by different components of a system or process. Understanding the difference between user CPU time and system CPU time is essential for performance analysis and troubleshooting.

What is User−CPU−Time in UNIX?

User CPU time represents the amount of CPU time spent executing in user mode, which is the mode where application code runs. It includes the time spent executing the user's program code and any library functions called by the program. In other words, user CPU time measures the processing time directly consumed by the user application.

For example, if you have a program written in C running on your system, the time it takes for the program to perform calculations or execute its own logic is considered as user CPU time. It does not include the time spent waiting for input/output operations or system calls.

  • Definition: User−CPU−Time is the cumulative CPU time spent executing instructions in user−space.

  • Calculation: User−CPU−Time is calculated by the operating system based on the CPU cycles used by the user−level processes.

  • Influence: User−CPU−Time is influenced by the computational tasks performed by the user applications or programs. It includes executing algorithms, performing calculations, and interacting with input/output devices.

  • Responsibility: User−CPU−Time is the responsibility of the user or the process owner. It is used to measure the performance and efficiency of user−level applications or programs.

What is System−CPU−Time in UNIX?

System CPU time refers to the amount of CPU time spent executing in kernel mode. Kernel mode is a privileged mode where the operating system's core functions and services are executed. System CPU time includes the time spent executing system calls, managing hardware devices, handling interrupts, and performing other kernel−related tasks.

When a process needs to perform tasks like reading from or writing to disk, allocating memory, or interacting with devices, it makes system calls to the operating system. The time spent in these system calls, as well as the time spent in the kernel handling those requests, contributes to the system CPU time.

  • Definition: System−CPU−Time is the cumulative CPU time spent executing instructions in the kernel−space.

  • Calculation: System−CPU−Time is calculated by the operating system based on the CPU cycles used by the kernel processes.

  • Influence: System−CPU−Time is influenced by the kernel operations required to manage the system resources, handle system calls, and provide services to the user−level processes.

  • Responsibility: System−CPU−Time is the responsibility of the operating system. It is used to measure the performance and efficiency of the kernel and to identify any bottlenecks or issues related to system resource management.

User−CPU−Time vs. System−CPU−Time in UNIX

Here's a table highlighting the differences between User CPU Time and System CPU Time in UNIX:


User CPU Time

System CPU Time


The amount of CPU time used by user−level processes

The amount of CPU time used by the kernel and system processes


Represents the execution time of user−written code

Represents the execution time of the operating system code


Computation performed by an application or script

File I/O operations, memory management, scheduling, etc.


Measured when a process is running in user mode

Measured when a process is running in kernel mode


Specific to the process or application

Shared by multiple processes and system operations


Affected by the complexity and efficiency of user code

Affected by the operating system's performance and efficiency


Primarily affects the response time of the application

Primarily affects the overall system performance

Resource allocation

Determines the amount of CPU time allocated to a process

Determines the allocation of CPU time to various system tasks


Can be monitored using tools like 'time' command or 'ps'

Can be monitored using system monitoring utilities


User CPU time is associated with the execution of user−level programs or processes

System CPU time is associated with the execution of kernel−level operations on behalf of user programs.


User programs have direct control over the utilization of user CPU time since they execute their own code

User programs have no direct control over system CPU time as it is determined by the kernel and the underlying operating system.

Types of Activities

User CPU time primarily includes activities related to application−specific instructions, calculations, and operations

system CPU time includes activities related to system−level tasks such as handling system calls, managing devices, and process scheduling

Performance Analysis

Measuring user CPU time can help identify the computational load imposed by user programs or processes, which can be useful for profiling and optimizing application performance

System CPU time, on the other hand, provides insights into the overhead and resource utilization of the operating system, aiding in system performance analysis and troubleshooting.


In summary, User−CPU−Time represents the CPU time consumed by user−level processes, while System−CPU−Time represents the CPU time consumed by kernel−level processes. User−CPU−Time is influenced by user applications or programs, while System−CPU−Time is influenced by the operations performed by the operating system. Both metrics are important for analyzing system performance and understanding the distribution of CPU usage between user and system processes in a UNIX environment.

Updated on: 12-Jul-2023


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