Difference between process builder and flows

Salesforce has enabled companies of all sizes to optimize their operations, nurture stronger relationships, and spur growth. Salesforce is an expert in customer relationship management (CRM) technologies. Process Builder as well as Flows distinguish out among their selection of remedies as effective tools for automating processes, optimizing workflows, and improving user experiences. Although they appear to have similar goals, they differ in specific ways. We examine the distinctions between Process Builder and Flows inside the Salesforce ecosystem in this thorough investigation, highlighting their features, uses, and the situations where they truly shine.

Process Builder and Flows can work together to provide full automation solutions; they are not mutually exclusive. Straightforward processes can be initiated with the Process Builder, after which Flows can take over and lead users via more complicated decision-making processes, gather more data, change information, and communicate with external systems. By combining the two tools' advantages, a smooth end-to-end automated process is produced.

Process Builder

A declarative automation tool is termed as Process Builder and it has been built a simpler automated workflows without having coding knowledge. It acts as a link between non-technical as well as technical users, enabling them to set up procedures that initiate actions in response to conditions. The main aids of Process Builder are to streamline updates that are linked to record changes and automate processes.

Characteristics of Process Builder

  • Immediate Action − Process Builder takes immediate action when a defined criterion is met. Among these operations are field updates, record creation, email communication, and even the start of approval procedures.

  • Record-Centric Automation − Records are inextricably linked to Process Builder. It works off of record changes, as when a new record is created, updated, or even destroyed.

  • Visual Workflow − The tool's easy visual interface allows users to lay out criteria and actions using logical building blocks. This method makes it easier to create workflows by providing a clear visual depiction.

  • Decision Making − Process Builder can assess circumstances to initiate actions. However, compared to Flows, its ability to make complex decisions is relatively constrained.

  • Ease of implementation − Implementation is simple since Process Builder's user-friendly interface lets administrators and non-technical users configure processes without the need for coding knowledge.


The powerful element in the Salesforce toolbox is flows, provides a wider variety of automation opportunities. Beyond record-based updates, Flows make it possible to design unique workflows and user interfaces. They lead users through a series of screens, facilitating structured interactions and data collecting. Flows perform best in situations when complicated decisions, human involvement, and data manipulation are required.

Characteristics of Flows

  • User-Centric Interaction − Flows are not primarily dependent on record modifications, in contrast to Process Builder. User activities may cause them to be activated, allowing for dynamic engagement and the collection of user-generated data.

  • Customized Screens − The ability to include customized screens is a feature of flows. These screens have the capacity to provide data, solicit user input, and carry out actions in response to that input.

  • Complex Decision-Making − When it comes to complex decision-making, flows excel. With branching and looping features, Flows can handle a wider range of difficult scenarios.

  • Data Manipulation − Flows can execute calculations, alter data, and establish connections to external services or APIs. Their ability to handle complicated automation procedures is improved by this capability.

  • Comprehensive Automation − Flows provide a comprehensive solution that Process Builder may find difficult to provide for processes requiring complex logic, dynamic user interaction, or connectivity with external systems.

Difference between Process Builder and Flows

Here is a table that highlights the main distinctions between Salesforce's Process Builder and Flows −

Basis Of difference

Process Builder



Automating based on records

Interaction with users and procedures


It enacts to record modifications

It could be brought on by user interactions and recordings

Data Manipulation

Data manipulation is limited in process builder.

Robust computations and data manipulation can be done.


Limited integration with the external APIs.

It can establish connections to external services and APIs.


Only 4 types of actions are presented.

Eight actions are available in flows which makes it more powerful.


It is ideal for straightforward processes.

It is perfect for complicated tasks

Automation Speed

It is fast and uncomplicated.

It may be taking extra time to configure and design.

User Skill Level

No coding skills are required for users.

Excellent expertise in technology is needed.

Use Case

It processes for basic approval and record updates.

It assisted user experiences, difficult choices, and data manipulation.


In Salesforce automation, Process Builder as well as Flows are like two sides of the same coin. While Process Builder excels at meeting straightforward, record-driven automation requirements, Flows provides a wider range of options, addressing scenarios that call for complex logic, human interaction, and data manipulation. Organizations can leverage the power of these tools to optimize processes, improve user experiences, and drive business development inside the Salesforce ecosystem by knowing their capabilities and determining which tool best corresponds with certain automation requirements.

Updated on: 02-Nov-2023


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