Difference between Parasite and Predator

Parasites and predators are both known to prey on other creatures in order to ensure their own existence. One of the most widespread types of human parasites, hook worms, feeds on human blood after attaching to the intestinal wall. Moreover, tigers, being the apex predator in their ecosystem, prey upon smaller creatures like as hares, porcupines, and deer. Whereas predators are normally larger, quicker, and/or stronger than their prey, parasites are frequently smaller and weaker than their hosts. In the following paragraphs, we'll go even deeper into the ways in which they differ.

What are Parasites?

The term "parasite" comes from the Greek words para, which means "alongside," and sitos, which means "meal"; "parasitos" means "eating at another person's table." A parasite is another organism which receives nourishment from another organism, termed the host. Parasites may or may not cause harm to their hosts, but they never gain anything from the parasitic connection. Certain endoparasites that reside inside the host are among the 70% of parasites that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Endoparasites need a third creature, termed a vector or carrier to be able to be transmitted to a host. On the other hand, those that live outside the body are termed ectoparasites.

Protozoa, helminths, and ectoparasites are the three primary categories of parasites that may infect people and cause illness (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016).

  • Protozoa are minute and unicellular organisms which can proliferate in people; those that dwell in the intestines are often found in contaminated food or water. For instance, the parasite Entamoeba histolytica is responsible for the symptoms of amebiasis, which include diarrhoea and stomach discomfort. Vectors spread protozoa that may replicate in human cells or circulate in the blood. The protozoan parasites of the genus Trypanosoma, which are transmitted to humans by the bites of tsetse flies, are one example of the cause of sleeping sickness.

  • Helminths are large, multicellular organisms that, in their adult form, cannot reproduce in humans. These include flatworms (e.g. flukes and tapeworms), thorny-headed worms or spiny-headed worms (thought to seldom infect humans), and roundworms (e.g. Ascaris lumbricoides which cause ascariasis, an infection of the small intestines) (e.g. Ascaris lumbricoides which cause ascariasis, an infection of the small intestines).

  • Ectoparasites are creatures that burrow into the skin; for example, ticks, lice, and fleas infest the skin and its appendages. They spread pathogens.

What are Predators?

The word "predator" was derived from the Latin word "praedator," which meaning "plunderer." A creature that preys on other organisms is called a predator. This name was originally used to describe insects that consumed other insects, but it has now been expanded to encompass any predatory animal. Predation is another name for this dynamic between a predator and its victim.

Carnivory, herbivory, parasitism, and mutualism are the four main categories of predation (McLaughlin, 2020).

  • Carnivorous predators exist in a variety of sizes; for example, canines like lions frequently target herbivores like zebras and antelopes. They are often hunters with powerful bodies and acute senses that aid them in capturing their prey. Carnivores like snow leopards and tigers are examples of apex predators or alpha predators (have no predators that hunt them). Regarding the plant realm, pitcher plants and Venus flytraps feed on insects. Carnivorous predation takes many forms, and cannibalism is one of the most peculiar ones.

  • Herbivorous predators eat autotrophs, or species that can manufacture their own food, such as plants. Herbivores, like carnivores, have specialised features to suit their diet, such as the flat tops of their lower teeth and the hard pads of skin that serve as their upper teeth. These structures are helpful for crushing grass, which is then steamed, weakened, and ingested.

  • Predators that rely on hosts to survive are known as parasitic predators. As the host is the only source of nutrition, it might get ill or run out of food. Human malnutrition, for instance, can be brought on by tape worms.

  • Mutualism is the relationship of two species that share resources like food and habitat. The contact between humans and the good bacteria in the gut, which promote digestion and immunity, is an excellent example of such a symbiotic relationship.

Differences: Parasite and Predator

The following table highlights the major differences between Parasites and Predators −





The term "parasite" comes from the Greek words para, which means "alongside," and sitos, which means "meal"; "parasitos" means "eating at another person's table."

The word "predator" was derived from the Latin word "praedator," which meaning "plunderer."


A parasite is a creature which takes nourishment from another organism, termed the host.

A creature that preys on other organisms is called a predator. This name was originally used to describe insects that consumed other insects, but it has now been expanded to encompass any predatory animal.


There are three primary forms of parasites which may cause illnesses in humans: protozoa, helminths, and ectoparasites.

There are four main categories of predation: carnivory, herbivory, parasitism, and mutualism.


A variety of parasites, especially endoparasites, reside inside the host such as protozoa and helminths.

Since they feed over their prey from the outside, predators do not reside within other creatures.

Size and Strength

Parasites are often smaller and weaker than their hosts.

Predators typically outweigh, outperform, and/or outperform their prey in size, speed, and strength.


In conclusion, the main difference between a parasite and a predator is the nature of their relationship with their host or prey and the impact they have on the host or prey population. Parasites live on or inside another organism and benefit at the host's expense, while predators hunt and kill other organisms for food.

Updated on: 19-Apr-2023


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