Difference Between JSP and PHP

Both JSP and PHP are two popular technologies that serve to create dynamic web pages. Both are similar in the ways that they allow developers to embed code within an HTML document that can interact with databases, sessions, cookies, and other web features. However, they also have some significant differences that may affect the choice of which one to use for a web project. In this article, we will try to find the difference between JSP and PHP in terms of their syntax, performance, scalability, security, and compatibility.



It is an acronym that stands for Java Server Pages and is used for the purpose of developing web based applications. A single JSP page consists of HTML tags for static content and JSP tags to construct dynamic content. The JSP tags start with ‘<%’ and end with ‘%>’. We save our JSP file with the extension ‘.jsp’.

We can say JSP is an extension of Java Servlet which is also a server side technology to build web applications using Java programming language. The JSP was created to eliminate the limitation of Servlets.

Here is a sample JSP Program −


<%@page contentType = "text/html" pageEncoding = "UTF-8"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
      <title> Tutorials Point </title>
      <h1> Example of JSP </h1>
      <h2> Receiving the Data from Client </h2>
      <% String data1 = request.getParameter("data1"); %>
      <h3>Data1: <% =data1 %> </h3>
      <% String data2 = request.getParameter("data2"); %>
      <h3>Data2: <% =data2 %> </h3>

Note that the above code is incomplete, it is just for showing how to embed JSP in an HTML file. Here, we have used request.getParameter() method to retrieve the data. We first store the information in two String variables and then display them by using the opening and closing tags of JSP.


It is a short form of Hypertext Preprocessor. It was developed by Rasmus Laird in the year 1994. Like JSP, it is also used for developing dynamic and interactive web pages. PHP uses its own scripting language that is similar to C. The PHP code is placed within the tags and additionally, a PHP file is saved with the extension ‘.php’.

Here are a few sample PHP Programs −

Example 1

   echo "This is sample example of PHP!";


This is sample example of PHP!

To print result on the screen, echo is used.

Example 2

In the following example, we will embed the PHP code in HTML.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>PHP in HTML</title>
      echo "This is sample example of PHP!";

To see the correct output of the above code, we need a server like xampp or wamp. This code will run only using a server.

Difference between JSP and PHP

From the above discussion, we can conclude the following differences between length and capacity −



It uses the Java programming language as a base.

It uses a scripting language that is similar to C.

The JSP code is enclosed inside <% and %> tags.

The PHP code is enclosed inside tags.

The extension of the JSP file is .jsp.

The extension of the PHP file is .php.

Since it is based on Java, it has built-in support for garbage collection.

It does not support garbage collection.

We can easily debug the JSP code

Debugging PHP code is a little complex

It is more secure than PHP.

It has some security concerns.

It supports a rich set of libraries.

It supports fewer libraries than JSP

JSP code first gets converted into a servlet and then gets executed. Therefore, its execution time is more than PHP.

PHP is comparatively faster than JSP


JSP and PHP are built with similar functionalities, yet they have a lot of distinctions. Both are cross platform technologies but, JSP requires a Java enabled web servers such as Apache Tomcat and PHP requires a web server with a PHP module such as Apache. JSP has a wide range of library support, whereas PHP has huge community support as it is an open source technology.

Updated on: 21-Jul-2023


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