Difference between GET and POST Request in JavaScript

HTTP requests are frequently used in web development to send and receive data from a server. GET and POST queries are two of the most frequently utilised HTTP requests. It is crucial for web developers to comprehend the distinctions between these two request kinds if they wish to build apps that are both secure and effective.

GET and POST requests serve different functions and have different properties. Data can be retrieved from a server using GET queries and submitted to a server using POST requests. POST requests are used for requests that alter or generate data on the server, whereas GET requests are typically used for requests that do not.

What is GET Request in JavaScript?

A GET request is an HTTP request to a server made in Vanilla JavaScript to retrieve data. This kind of request is often used to access data that is already stored on the server, such as a JSON file, a webpage, or an image. Vanilla JavaScript supports both the older fetch() API and the built-in XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object for GET requests. To make a request using XHR, create an instance of the XMLHttpRequest object and utilise its open() and send() methods. Simply call the fetch() function and supply the URL of the resource you want to obtain to use fetch().


  • Simpleness − GET requests are easy to use and comprehend.

  • Caching − GET requests can be cached, which enables the browser to save the response for later use.

  • Bookmarking − HTTP requests allow for bookmarking, which makes it simple for users to go back to a certain page or collection of data.

  • Simple debugging − As GET requests can be seen in the network tab of the browser developer tools, they are simple to troubleshoot.


  • Restricted data transfer − The maximum amount of data that can be transferred by GET requests is normally between 2 and 8 KB.

  • Security − Because the data is passed in the URL, which is visible to anybody with network access, GET requests are less secure than alternative techniques like POST.

  • No data Validation − Lack of data validation makes it simpler for malevolent users to transmit inaccurate data because GET requests don't check the data before sending it to the server.

  • Not appropriate for sending sensitive data − Because the data is accessible in the URL, GET requests are not appropriate for sending sensitive data like passwords, credit card numbers, etc.

What is a Post Request in JavaScript?

A POST request in vanilla JavaScript is an HTTP request used to send data to a server. When you need to send information to the server in order to create or edit a resource, such as adding a new user to a database or changing a user's profile information, you often utilise this sort of request.

JavaScript supports both the older get() API and the built-in XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object for POST requests. To make a request using XHR, create an instance of the XMLHttpRequest object and utilise its open() and send() methods. The URL, method, and data to be transmitted are all contained in an object that is passed to the fetch() function when it is called.


  • Flexibility − You can provide a variety of data forms using the POST command, including text, JSON, XML, and others. This makes sending various data kinds to the server simple.

  • Security − Because GET requests reveal data in the URL, POST requests are more secure than GET requests. Instead, the information is sent in the request body, which can be encrypted for further protection and is not visible in the URL.

  • Data Transfer − Transferring enormous amounts of data is possible with POST requests, which is helpful for submitting data via forms, for instance.

  • Versatility − POST requests can be used to send data to a variety of server endpoints. As a result, the server-side processing of data can be done with more flexibility.


  • Complexity − When working with huge amounts of data or complicated data formats, POST queries are more difficult to implement than GET ones.

  • Server-side configuration − To manage and process the submitted data for POST requests, a server-side configuration is needed. If you're working on a project without a server-side component, this might not be the best situation.

  • Not Cacheable − Because POST requests cannot be cached by the browser, repeatedly providing the same data may result in poorer performance.

  • Compatibility problems − Your application's compatibility may be hampered by older browsers that do not accept POST requests.

Difference between GET and POST Requests

The following table highlights the major differences between GET and POST requests in JavaScript:



A get request can only send a certain amount of data since the data is given in the header.

Large amounts of data can be transferred because the data is sent in the post request's body.

The get request is not secure since the information in the URL bar is visible

The URL bar does not show any data, making the post request secure.

You can bookmark Get Request.

Unable to be bookmarked is a post request.

Get is an idempotent command. It suggests that until the first request's response is received, the second request will be ignored.

Post requests can be cancelled.

Since it is more useful than Post, more individuals use Receive requests.

Post requests are less effective and used less frequently than receive requests.


In conclusion, the HTTP procedures GET and POST are both essential for building websites. POST requests are used to submit data to a server while GET queries are used to get data from a server.

While GET requests offer benefits like caching, easy bookmarking, and idempotence, POST requests have advantages such being more secure, processing bigger amounts of data, and being more adaptable.

Understanding the differences between GET and POST requests is crucial for web developers because it allows them to select the appropriate course of action in particular situations. Web applications' efficiency, security, and user experience may all be improved with the right strategy. JavaScript supports both the older get() API and the built-in XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object for GET and POST queries.

Updated on: 03-Jul-2023


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