Difference Between Cod and Pollock

White, low-fat fish are common in the Pacific, and two examples are Pacific cod and Alaskan pollock. When cooked, their flavour is subtle, and they become easily flaked. Pollock is more delicate than cod and will fall apart if overcooked. Breaded or crumbed fast food items like fish fingers and fish burgers frequently use this type of fish as an ingredient. Since it is solid and retains its shape when cooked, Pacific cod is ideal for a wide variety of fish recipes, including chowder.

In contrast, pollock is milder and more suitable to being used as imitation crab or in a California roll. Although both freeze well, they must be prepared before being frozen if you are concerned about parasitic worms. Cod can only survive in icy waters. Overfishing is a real risk in some regions. Now that pollock is readily available, it may be used as a substitute for cod and is also less expensive.

What is Cod?

This fish, known as a demersal, prefers the cooler, deeper waters. Cod has a long upper mouth that stretches over its shorter lower jaw, as well as two anal fins and three rounded dorsal fins. In addition to a sandy brown to greenish back and white belly, these fish also have a white line that extends from above the pectoral fin all the way to the base of the tail fin. The Atlantic cod and the Pacific cod are the most prevalent types. The flesh is flaky, thick, and white, and the taste is subtle.

Cod liver oil, which is extracted from cod livers, is the most widely consumed fish by-product. Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins D, E, and A may all be found in cod liver oil. Scrod, made from young Atlantic cod, is the traditional mainstay of British fish and chips. The liver of a codfish is also delicious when canned and served as a snack.

Nutritional and Health Benefits of Eating Cod

Cod is a very healthy fish option containing many vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamin B12, iodine, phosphate, selenium, phosphorus, Vitamin B3 and B6 as well as omega 3 fats.

  • Nutritionally it is made up of 42% protein. A 4oz piece of fish or 113,4 grams contains 96 calories. Cod has a very low glycemic, GI value.

  • Eating cod lowers the risk of heart disease because it is a good source of blood thinning omega 3.

  • The omega 3 in rich fish, like cod, lowers the triglycerides in the blood stream. Triglycerides in the correct amounts are a source of energy.

  • Cod gives a rich source of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that help in lowering blood pressure.

  • Eating fish, like cod, once a week helps to prevent deep vein thrombosis. This is a dangerous condition where blood clots form in the veins of the legs or pelvis. It has been found that eating fish rich in omega 3 can reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis to a 30 -45% less chance of this affliction.

  • The vitamin B12 and selenium reduce the risk of colon cancer.

  • Cod is known to reduce the risk of other cancers like myeloma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and leukemia. It offers some protection against renal cell carcinoma which is a form of kidney cancer.

  • The omegas in cod offer protection against age related cognitive decline like Alzheimer’s. Cod also helps improve mood and reduce depression through the omega 3 content.

  • The selenium and omega 3 help relieve inflammation and prevent osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis from progressing further.

  • Cod promotes cardio-vascular health because it contains niacin a vitamin B that lowers cholesterol levels. Cod is also known to improve the electrical properties of heart cells. Cod protects the heart against abnormal heart rhythms.

  • A high concentration of omega fatty acids is found in the cod liver oil that is produced from the liver of this fish.

What is Pollock?

The chilly waters of the world's northern oceans are home to the pollock. Pollock may come in a few different flavours. The Atlantic Pollock, also known as the Coley, the Alaskan Pollock, sometimes known as the Walleye, and the Norwegian Pollock. Pollock, which has a milder flavour than cod but is still rich of vital minerals and vitamins, has been recommended as a cheaper alternative to cod. If you're managing your calorie intake, pollock is a great option.

Pollock fish has just 92 calories per 100g. It's always a good idea to check the labels on commercial fish food items since some of them may include dangerous chemicals if they've been heavily processed and use pollock as an ingredient. Pollock, in its raw form, is not only vulnerable to the hazardous chemicals, but also to parasitic worms. The worms in question are quite similar to those in cod, and you can be sure that the worms were removed from the fish you purchased. The fish may stand in for crab flesh because to its subtly sweet taste and buttery texture.

Nutritional Benefits of Eating Pollock

Pollock has many nutritional advantages. Like cod it is a rich source of vitamins and minerals.

  • Pollock contains vitamin B12, B6 riboflavin magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc and copper.

  • Pollock is rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

  • Pollock can fight heart disease, maintain eye health and regulate blood sugar.

  • Pollock increases fertility and improves the development of the fetus.

Differences: Cod and Pollock

Appearance − Cod and pollock are both members of the Gadidae family, which includes other fish like haddock and whiting. However, they have distinct physical characteristics that set them apart. Cod has a distinct elongated body with a prominent chin barbel, and its skin has a brownish-green color with a white underbelly. On the other hand, pollock has a more streamlined body shape with a silvery-green back and a white underbelly. Its skin also has a darker hue than cod.

Taste and Texture − Cod and pollock differ in their taste and texture. Cod has a firm, flaky texture and a mild, sweet taste, making it a popular choice for dishes like fish and chips, fish tacos, and chowders. Pollock, on the other hand, has a softer, flakier texture and a milder flavor than cod. This makes pollock a versatile ingredient in recipes as it takes on the flavor of other ingredients well.

Nutritional Content − In terms of nutritional content, both cod and pollock are healthy fish options. Both fish are low in calories, high in protein, and a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. However, cod contains slightly more calories and fat than pollock, but also more vitamins and minerals like vitamin B12, vitamin D, and selenium.

Sustainability − Sustainability is an important factor to consider when choosing fish to eat. Cod populations have been overfished in some areas, and some stocks are considered depleted. As a result, cod is not always a sustainable option. Pollock, on the other hand, is considered a more sustainable option as it is widely available and well-managed. Pollock fisheries are certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), which ensures that the fish are harvested sustainably.

The following table highlights the major differences between Cod and Pollock −





A firm, white,deep cold water fish. It holds its shape well.

A firm, white, deep cold water fish. It has a milder taste and tends to loose its shape if over cooked.


Attributed to have many nourishing vitamins and minerals and few calories. This makes cod a definite option for healthy living.

Has similar nutritional value, but not as well known as cod.

Health Benefits

The health benefits of cod range from heart conditions to anti inflammatory and some cancer control options especially as this fish has a large contribution to make through the use of cod liver oil.

Pollock is also a healthy option and provides vitamins and minerals for use in health medicines and combating some fatal diseases.

Liver Oil

Cod has the added benefit of providing for the manufacture of cod liver oil.

Pollock is not known for the extraction of liver oil.

How to consume

Cod needs to be treated before being consumed for parasitic worms.

Pollock is also known to have parasitic worms prior to being manufactured.


In conclusion, while cod and pollock may seem similar at first glance, there are notable differences between the two. Cod has a distinct elongated body with a brownish-green color, while pollock has a more streamlined body with a silvery-green back. Cod has a firm, flaky texture with a mild, sweet taste, while pollock has a softer, flakier texture with a milder flavor.

Both fish are healthy options, but cod contains slightly more calories and fat than pollock. Finally, pollock is considered a more sustainable option than cod, making it a better choice for those concerned about sustainability.

Updated on: 03-Apr-2023

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