Difference between Cell and Tissue


Scientist Robert Hooke first discovered cells in the year 1665. He used a bottle cork and observed it under his compound microscope. He found minuscule structures that are similar to small rooms. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek once again observed cells but this time with a more excellent magnification microscope. He observed not only how it looks but also it moves and concluded it as a living entity. In 1883, Scottish scientist Robert Brown first provided its structure. Every tissue is made of cells and without cells, there will be no tissue.

What are Cells?

Every living organism is created by cells that consist of both animals and plants. They can be unicellular that means produced by a single cell or multicellular that means produced by multiple cells. The smallest cell that got discovered so far is mycoplasma. The role of the cell is to give a structure to the body. It helps to generate energy from our daily meals. Cells can be of different sizes and shapes and these can be compared to the bricks of a building. The more complex organism, the more cells will be available in it. For example, bacteria have fewer cells in their body than humans.

Types of Cells

There are two types of cells available depending upon the cellular structure: Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.

  • Prokaryotes Cells − These types of cells do not include any nucleus. The organisms made of the prokaryotes cell are the single-celled microorganisms. 0.1-0.5 µm is the average diameter range of this cell. Bacteria fall under this category.

  • Eukaryotic Cells − These cells have a nucleus and organisms made up of these cells are multi-celled organisms. 10-100 µm is the average size of this type of cell. Plants, fungi, protozoans, and animals fall under this category.

Characteristics of Cells

The following are the main characteristics of a cell −

  • It gives the body a structure and supports it.

  • The genetic information important for cell growth and reproduction depends upon the nucleus.

  • Most of the cells have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles in their cytoplasm.

  • The vital energy transactions necessary for survival are provided by mitochondria.

  • The unimportant materials of the cell get digested by lysosomes.

What are Tissues?

Tissues are the group of cells that has very similar shape and function. They work as a link between the cells and organ system. All the organs are made of similar function types of tissues.

Types of Tissues: Animals and Plants

There are 4 main types of animal tissues. These are connective tissue, epithelial tissue, muscle tissue and nervous tissue.

The types of plant tissues are different from animal tissues. The two main types of plant tissues are − Meristematic Tissue and Permanent Tissue.

Functions of Tissues

The functions of tissues vary depending upon the type of tissue.

  • Connective tissues − The main function of the connective tissue is to provide a shape to the organ and help it to stay in a position.

  • Muscle tissues − Muscle tissue helps the body to move by creating force.

  • Nervous tissues − Nervous tissues mainly work as a communication channel of the nervous system to process important information.

  • Epithelial tissues − The epithelial tissues help animals to reproduce, breath, and digest.

  • Meristematic tissues − The meristematic tissues of the plant help them to expand their length and width.

  • Permanent tissues − In the absence of the meristematic tissue, permanent tissues help the plant to grow.

Differences between Cells and Tissues

The differences between the cells and tissues are the following −





Any living organism’s smallest structural and functional units are known as a cell.

Tissues are known as the combination of different types of cells and their by-products.


It is microscopic.

It is macroscopic.


It has its presence in both the multicellular and unicellular organisms.

It has its presence only in multicellular organisms.


Cells can be divided into two types: eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.

Tissues can be different types depending on animals and plants. For animals, the types are − connective, muscle, nervous and epithelial and for plants, the types are meristematic and permanent.


The cells are made of various cellular organelles that include the nucleus, mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi apparatus and many more.

The tissues are made of cells that have similar functions.


Meiosis and mitosis cells divisions are the source of cells.

Regeneration and fibrosis are the source of tissues.


Cells' only function is to help in growth, metabolism and reproduction.

Tissues have various functions depending upon their type.


Cells and tissues are the two components of a living organism. Similar structural and functional cells create tissue and similar structural and functional tissues create an organ. It can be said that tissue acts as interlink between a cell and an organ. There are both single-celled and multi-celled organisms present on this earth. The types of tissues are also different for animals and plants. Most animals are more complex organisms in comparison to a plant, therefore, have a higher number of tissues. Typically, animals have 4 types of tissues whereas plants have only 2 types of tissues.


Qns 1. What are the main components of a cell?

Ans. All cells have four main components. These are: plasma membrane, cytoplasm, DNA and ribosomes.

Qns 2. What is the colour of a cell?

Ans. Most of the cells are transparent and colourless. However, some animal cells that contain iron are deep red. Cells that are made of melanin can commonly be found in brown colour.

Qns 3. How many tissues are required to create an organ?

Ans. Most of the organs are made of two or more tissues. The tissues need to be similar in structure and function so that they can perform a specific task.

Updated on: 13-Dec-2023


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