Difference between Android and Brew

Android and BREW (Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless) are mobile operating systems that have been developed for smartphones and other mobile devices. Read this article to find out more about Android and BREW and how they are different from each other.

What is Android?

Google's Android is a widely used open-source mobile operating system. It was first published in 2008 and has since become the dominant platform for smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, and other gadgets. Android is based on the Linux kernel and was designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices, although it has been ported to a variety of different form factors.

Key Components of Android

  • Linux Kernel − The Linux kernel, which provides important operating system functions such as process management, memory management, security, and device drivers, lies at the heart of Android. Between the hardware and the rest of the Android system, the Linux kernel serves as an abstraction layer.

  • Libraries − Android contains a set of C/C++ libraries that provide basic functionality to developers. These libraries handle a variety of activities, including graphics rendering, networking, SQLite database administration, media playback, and more. The libraries allow developers to include these features in their applications written in Java or Kotlin.

  • Android Runtime (ART/Dalvik) − Android applications are typically built in Java or Kotlin and run on the Android Runtime. The Dalvik virtual machine was used in early versions of Android (before Android 5.0). The Android Runtime (ART) replaced Dalvik in Android 5.0 and higher versions, which dramatically improved app speed and lowered memory use. ART turns the app's bytecode into machine code for execution by the device's processor.

Key Features of Android

  • Customization − Android is well known for allowing for significant customization. Device manufacturers can customize the Android operating system to suit their hardware, offering unique user experiences and adding their own custom skins and features.

  • Multitasking − Android allows real multitasking, allowing users to smoothly switch between applications. It efficiently manages application states in the background, conserving resources while providing a pleasant user experience.

  • Notifications − Android's notification system alerts users to various events, such as texts, emails, app updates, and more. Notifications display in the status bar and can be opened to reveal further information.

  • Integration with Google Services − Android interacts easily with Google services such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps, Google Assistant, and others. This connection delivers a consistent user experience and allows for seamless data synchronization between devices.

What is BREW?

Qualcomm's BREW (Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless) is a mobile operating system and application platform. It debuted in the early 2000s with the goal of providing a consistent and dependable environment for running apps on feature phones and early smartphones. While not as well-known as Android or iOS, BREW was a key player in the early mobile app industry.

Key Components of BREW

  • Operating System − Qualcomm's proprietary operating system is known as BREW. Unlike Android, it is not open source, and its source code is not publicly available. On mobile devices, the OS serves as the framework for running applications and managing hardware resources.

  • Binary Runtime Environment − The Binary Runtime Environment (BRE) is the core component of BREW, allowing developers to write apps in C or C++. Unlike Java-based platforms (such as Android's Java-based SDK), BREW applications are converted into machine code for individual device architectures, which can result in higher performance.

  • BREW SDK − Qualcomm provides developers with a Software Development Kit (SDK) that includes tools, compilers, and libraries for creating BREW apps. These tools can be used by developers to construct feature-rich mobile applications.

Key Features of BREW

  • Feature Phone Focus − BREW was created mainly for feature phones, which were used before smartphones became popular. It enabled the addition of basic applications and services to these devices, thereby improving the user experience.

  • Consistency − BREW's ability to provide a consistent user experience across multiple devices and manufacturers was one of its strengths. This consistency was beneficial to carriers and developers since it allowed applications to execute consistently across a wide range of devices.

  • Security − To maintain the integrity of applications and protect user data, BREW used a variety of security methods. Sandboxing prevents apps from interfering with the main operating system or other applications.

Difference between Android and Brew

The following table highlights the major differences between Android and Brew −




Programming Abstraction

High-level APIs (Android Framework)

Lower-level APIs (Binary Runtime Environment)

Ecosystem and Market Share

Dominant market share

Limited adoption in favor of Android and iOS

Application Portability

Less portable across different hardware

More portable, compiled into machine code

Device Support

Wide range of devices

Primarily used for feature phones and basic smartphones


Sandboxing and per-app permissions

Sandboxing and application integrity mechanisms


True multitasking support

Limited multitasking capabilities

Billing and Monetization

Various options for app monetization

Carrier-centric billing and payment framework

Development Language

Java, Kotlin

C, C++

App Distribution

Google Play Store, Third-party app stores

Carriers, Network Providers


In conclusion, Android is the leading player in the mobile operating system space because of its open-source nature, robust development community, and extensive device support. BREW's proprietary nature and limited distribution approach have led to its decrease in popularity in favor of more open and versatile platforms such as Android.

Updated on: 16-Aug-2023


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