Difference between add(),replace() and addToBackStack() in Android


Android is an open-source, user-friendly mobile operating system used by millions of people around the world. It is the most popular mobile operating system, and its popularity is only growing. Android offers a wide range of features and functions, and its developers have made sure that users can customize their devices to suit their needs. One of the most useful features of Android is the ability to add, replace, and addToBackStack() in Android. These functions allow users to easily manage their apps, activities, and fragments. With the help of these methods we can add a new fragment in our container view, replace a fragment/activity as well as add a back stack for it. In this article we will take a look at the Difference between this add(), replace() and addToBackStack() methods in Android.


The add() function is used in android applications across various use cases. We can use this to perform multiple tasks such as adding data to our list as well as we can use this method to add a fragment to the fragment container.

The add() function is used to add items to an array list to be displayed within our list view or a recycler view.

The add() function is used in fragments to add a fragment to the activity. When you call add(), the fragment is added to the activity’s view hierarchy, and its lifecycle-related methods, such as onCreate(), are called.

In addition, you can pass a bundle of arguments to use when creating the new fragment. This argument can contain data that should be passed from one fragment to another. For example, if you wanted to pass a String or an integer value between two fragments, then you could do so by passing it through this bundle when calling the add() method.


The replace() function is also used in android applications across various use cases. We can use this to replace a character in the string. Along with that we can use this function to replace a current fragment inside the fragment container view.

If we want to replace a specific character inside our string we can call the replace method and we have to pass two params to it: the character which we have to replace and the character which we have to actually replace.

The replace() function is also used in Fragments which replaces the currently visible Fragment with another Fragment or View. This is often used when navigating between one screen view to another, such as going from a list view to a detail-view. The replace() method takes two parameters: a ViewGroup object, and the Fragment or View to be placed in that Group. The replace() function also includes an optional third parameter, which is an Animation object. If specified, this provides visual cues whenever the transition happens from one view to the next. As part of this animation process, the two views “fade in” and “fade out” smoothly and elegantly so that users can easily tell when they are transitioning between screens.


The addToBackStack() function in Android is used to add an item to the backstack. The backstack is a list of items that the user has recently used. The addToBackStack() function is useful for quickly adding items to the backstack, so that the user can quickly access them later. It is also useful for adding items to the backstack without having to manually delete the existing items.

addToBackStack() function is a method in the FragmentManager class that adds a fragment transaction to the back stack. This means that when a user navigates away from a fragment, the transaction can be reversed by a “back” button press, taking the user back to the previous fragment state. This allows for granular control when switching between different interface states and creating better user experiences. It's important to note, however, that this function doesn't just automatically add its functionality; it requires code in order to be triggered properly by the system.

Difference between add(), replace() and addToBackStack() methods in Android





It adds a Fragment to the Activity state.

It replaces an existing Fragment to the Activity state.

It adds the transaction to the back stack. It allows the user to reverse a transaction (Fragments are added/replaced in a transaction).

Activity Life Cycle

This is where it's activity's fragmentManager invoke this method and adds that fragment on activity

Here, fragmentManager calls replace method, which replaces current fragment by new one with same view container

It Manager changes in back stack entries also callbacks of life cycle methods such as onPause(), onResume(), onDestroyView().


The scope of this method is limited to adding fragments.

The scope of the replace method is wider because not only does it add but also replaces any existing fragments.

Scope of this method is wider than the above two methods, as it takes care about Change in back stack entries.


Overall, the add(), replace(), and addToBackStack() functions in Android are very useful for quickly managing and customizing apps, activities, and fragments. They allow users to quickly add, replace, and add items to the backstack without having to manually delete existing items. These functions are essential for any Android user, and they can help users customize their devices to suit their needs.

Updated on: 30-Mar-2023

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