Difference Between a Gecko and a Lizard

Geckos and lizards are both reptiles that belong to the order Squamata and suborder Lacertilia. While geckos and lizards may look similar at first glance, they have a number of differences in terms of their physical characteristics, behavior, and habitat. In this essay, we will explore the differences between geckos and lizards in detail.

What are Geckos?

A gecko is a small to medium-sized reptile belonging to the family Gekkonidae. These fascinating creatures are known for their unique features and behavior. Geckos are found in various habitats, including tropical rainforests, deserts, and even urban areas. They have distinctive characteristics such as adhesive toe pads that enable them to climb walls and walk on ceilings.

Geckos are typically nocturnal and feed on insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates. They communicate through vocalizations, body movements, and tail-waving displays. With their ability to adapt to different environments and their intriguing traits, geckos have become popular pets and subjects of scientific study.

What are Lizards?

A lizard is a type of reptile that belongs to the order Squamata and the suborder Lacertilia. Lizards are known for their elongated bodies, scaly skin, and ability to move with agility. They are a diverse group, with over 6,000 species found across the globe, inhabiting a wide range of habitats from deserts to rainforests.

Lizards display various adaptations, such as regenerating tails, camouflage, and the ability to change color. They are primarily carnivorous, feeding on insects, small vertebrates, and sometimes plants. Lizards play important ecological roles as both predators and prey, and they have captivated human interest for their intriguing behaviors and striking appearances.

Differences Gecko and Lizard

Physical Characteristics  Geckos are characterized by their sticky toe pads, which allow them to climb vertical surfaces and even walk on ceilings. These toe pads are covered in microscopic hairs called setae that create an adhesive force known as van der Waals force. In contrast, lizards have claws that are used for climbing and digging.

Geckos are also known for their large, lidless eyes that are able to see in low light conditions. They have a transparent scale called the spectacle that covers and cleans their eyes. Lizards, on the other hand, have movable eyelids that protect their eyes from dust and debris.

Another physical difference between geckos and lizards is their skin texture. Geckos have soft, pliable skin that is covered in small, granular scales. These scales help them to grip surfaces and also protect their skin from abrasions. Lizards have tougher, thicker skin that is covered in larger, plate-like scales.

Behavior  Geckos are nocturnal animals, which means they are most active at night. They are also known for their ability to vocalize, and some species of geckos are able to make loud, barking sounds. Lizards, on the other hand, are diurnal animals, which means they are most active during the day. They are also generally quieter than geckos.

Habitat − Geckos are found all over the world, but are most common in tropical and subtropical regions. They are able to adapt to a wide range of habitats, including deserts, rainforests, and even urban environments. Many species of geckos are arboreal, meaning they live in trees and other high places. Other species are terrestrial, meaning they live on the ground.

Lizards are also found all over the world, but are more common in warm, dry regions. They are able to adapt to a wide range of habitats, including deserts, grasslands, and forests. Many species of lizards are also arboreal, while others are terrestrial.

The following table highlights the major differences between Geckos and Lizards 





Belongs to the family Gekkonidae

Belongs to the order Squamata, suborder Lacertilia

Body Structure

Typically small to medium-sized with slender bodies and large eyes

Varied in size and body shape, can be small to large with diverse eye sizes

Toe Pads

Have adhesive toe pads that allow them to climb walls and walk on ceilings

Lack adhesive toe pads


Mostly nocturnal, active during the night

Can be diurnal (active during the day) or nocturnal


Found in various habitats, including tropical rainforests, deserts, and urban areas

Wide range of habitats, including deserts, forests, grasslands, and water bodies


In conclusion, geckos and lizards may share some similarities, but they also have a number of differences in terms of their physical characteristics, behavior, and habitat. Geckos are known for their sticky toe pads, large eyes, soft skin, nocturnal behavior, and ability to vocalize.

Lizards, on the other hand, have claws, movable eyelids, tougher skin, diurnal behavior, and are generally quieter than geckos. Both geckos and lizards are fascinating reptiles that have adapted to a wide range of environments, making them an important part of the natural world.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2023


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