

Decomposition, also known as rot, is the breakdown of dead organic matter into more basic inorganic or organic components such as water, carbon dioxide, mineral salts, and simple sugars. The procedure, which is a component of the nutrient cycle, is crucial for recycling the limited amount of matter that takes up real estate in the biosphere.

Any physical or chemical entity can be broken down or made simpler through the process of decomposition. Chemical breakdown is another name for chemical decomposition. The result of breaking down a complicated chemical entity into a single chemical entity into two or more fragments is known as chemical decomposition. It typically works exactly the opposite of chemical synthesis. Chemical decompositions include the breakdown of water into hydrogen and oxygen and the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.

Definition of Decomposition

Decomposition means "to break down." Usually, it refers to the breakdown or rupture of a complex organic substance into a more straightforward inorganic substance. It is a crucial component of the ecosystem's processes. Decomposition is therefore a metabolic process that consumes complex chemicals as raw materials, processes them, and then transforms them into simpler compounds.

Decomposers, which include fungi, bacteria, and other microorganisms, are those who initiate the decomposition process. To stay alive, they consume dead organisms.

Dead and decaying animals and plants are used as the raw materials for the breakdown process that results in the production of nutrients, carbon dioxide, water, and other things. Raw elements like dead plants, animals, and their remains are referred to as detritus. Once this debris has been processed by microbes, they are referred to as saprophytes.

Decomposition Types

Because there are two different types of modifications, decomposition is broadly divided into these two categories. The two different types of breakdowns, or alterations, are listed below.

  • Physical deterioration or modifications

  • Chemical breakdown or modifications

Physical changes are typically reversible; however, they can also be irreversible, in which case only the physical properties are altered. A substance's physical properties alter because of a physical change. The melting of an ice cube, the boiling of water, the breaking of a glass, the freezing of water, etc. is some common examples of physical changes. Chemical transformations are permanent transformations in which new products are created. The result has radically distinct characteristics from the reactants. Chemical reactions are defined as chemical changes that take place. Chemical equations are a quick way to express a chemical reaction or the changes that occur chemically. A chemical reaction is represented using chemical equations. When writing about chemical reactions, elements' symbols, arrows, etc. are employed. One reactant is split into multiple products in a decomposition reaction, a type of chemical reaction. Just the reverse of the combined response.

Decomposition Meaning of Chemistry

In chemistry, decomposition refers to the breakdown of a single reactant into more stable products than the reactant. Decomposition produces the production of new products, making it a crucial chemistry process. We encounter instances of chemical disintegration every day. For instance, when we crack open a soda bottle, compounds in the carbonic acid break down into water and carbon dioxide, which produces the fizz.

Types of Decomposition Reactions

Three different types of breakdown reactions are distinguished −

  • Thermal decomposition or Thermochemical decay

  • Electrolytic decomposition or Electrolytic breakdown

  • Photo decomposition or Photodegradation

Thermal decomposition

It is a kind of decomposition in which heat is used to split a single reactant into many products. The reactants are broken down using thermal energy or heat energy. Heat is employed in this endothermic reaction to break the bonds between the reactants. Heat causes calcium carbonate to break down, releasing carbon dioxide and calcium oxide.


Electrolytic decomposition

It is a type of decomposition reaction where the reactants are broken down into various products using light or photons. The reactant's bonds are broken with the help of light energy. The term "photolysis" also applies to this reaction. When exposed to sunshine, silver chloride breaks down into chlorine gas and silver metal.


Photo decomposition

Using electricity, a single reactant is converted into products. Electrolytic decomposition is this kind of decomposition reaction. An effective illustration of electrolytic decomposition is the breakdown of water.


JSquish , Electrolysis of Water , CC BY-SA 3.0

Decomposition Reaction Examples

Decomposition can be seen in many different situations. The following are a few of them −

  • Soft drink carbonic acid breaks down to release carbon dioxide gas.

  • As water breaks down, gases like hydrogen and oxygen are released.

  • Food digestion is a response to breakdown. Nutrients from the consumed meal are released because of this process.

  • Gases like sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide are generated as the green iron sulphate breaks down to form a brown ferric oxide.

  • Lead monoxide, which is yellow, is produced when lead nitrate thermally decomposes. Nitrogen dioxide and oxygen gas are released together with this brown gas.

Decomposition, then, is a process that leads to a change that may or may not be reversible. Decomposition is frequently required for the creation or manufacture of any new product; hence it is a crucial process. This tutorial taught us about the different types of decomposition and provided examples of each.


Chemical breakdown, also known as chemical decomposition, is the division of a single chemical entity such as a regular molecule, reaction intermediate, etc. into two or more fragments. The precise opposite of chemical synthesis is typically understood and defined as chemical breakdown. Although the specifics of a decomposition process are not always completely understood, it is known that a lot of energy is required to dissolve bonds. All decomposition processes require this energy to varying degrees because they all break down the bonds holding something together to produce its simpler basic pieces. Although there are several exceptions, it is known that most of these reactions are endothermic because of this fundamental law. When a chemical substance is subjected to harsh environmental factors like heat, radiation, humidity, or the acidity of a solvent, its stability eventually becomes constrained. As a result, chemical breakdown frequently results in undesirable chemical reactions. However, a rising number of applications for chemical decomposition are being discovered.


1. Are all the decomposition reactions endothermic?

No, not all decomposition processes involve heat transfer. Both endothermic and exothermic reactions can take place during decomposition. The latter is more typical than the former, though.

2. What is the decomposition in the human body?

Decomposition is the process through which the intricate molecules and organs of animal and human bodies gradually transform into basic biological matter. Decomposition in vertebrates normally occurs in five stages: fresh, bloat, active decay, advanced decay, and dry/skeletonized.

3. What do plants release during decomposition?

Decomposers in the carbon cycle disintegrate dead plant and animal matter and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, where plants can use it for photosynthesis.

4. Where did the word decomposition come from?

De- "the opposite of" + composition, "act or process of separating the constituent elements of a composite body; state of being decomposed, "1762. "Further compounding of already composite objects" was the meaning of an earlier word with the same spelling.

5. Who invented decomposition?

Many people refer to Antoine Lavoisier as the "founder of modern chemistry." He was one of the first to thoroughly research chemical reactions involved in decomposition.

Updated on: 15-Feb-2024


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