Cr3dOv3r – Credential Reuse Attack Tool in Kali Linux

In this tutorial, we will explore a powerful tool called Cr3dOv3r, which is used for conducting credential reuse attacks. Cr3dOv3r is specifically designed for Kali Linux, a popular Linux distribution widely used for penetration testing and ethical hacking purposes. In this article, we will delve into the functionalities and usage of Cr3dOv3r, providing step-by-step instructions along with code snippets and their explanations. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to leverage Cr3dOv3r to identify potential credential reuse vulnerabilities and enhance the security of your systems.

Installation and Setup of Cr3dOv3r

To begin, let's walk through the installation and setup process of Cr3dOv3r on your Kali Linux machine. Consider the below steps for the same −

Step 1 âˆ’ Open a terminal in Kali Linux. You can do this by clicking on the terminal icon located in the taskbar or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T.

Step 2 âˆ’ Once the terminal is open, we need to clone the Cr3dOv3r repository from GitHub. Use the following command to clone the repository âˆ’

git clone

Step 3 âˆ’ After the cloning process is complete, change into the Cr3dOv3r directory using the following command âˆ’

cd Cr3dOv3r

Step 4 âˆ’ Now, we need to install the required dependencies for Cr3dOv3r. This can be done by running the setup script. Execute the following command âˆ’


In the above code snippets, we performed the necessary steps to install and set up Cr3dOv3r on Kali Linux. We started by cloning the Cr3dOv3r repository from GitHub using the `git clone` command. After that, we changed into the cloned directory with `cd`. Finally, we executed the setup script `` to install the dependencies required by Cr3dOv3r.

Basic Usage of Cr3dOv3r

Now that we have Cr3dOv3r installed and set up, let's explore its basic usage and understand how it works. Consider the below steps for using Cr3dOv3r:

Step 1 âˆ’ Launch Cr3dOv3r by running the following command in your terminal âˆ’


Step 2 âˆ’ Cr3dOv3r requires an email or username to begin the credential reuse attack. Specify the target email or username as a command-line argument. For example, to check if the email "" has been used with the same password elsewhere, use the following command −

python3 -email

In the above code snippets, we started by launching Cr3dOv3r using the `` script with Python 3. This initializes the tool and prepares it for the credential reuse attack. We then provided the target email or username as a command-line argument using the `-email` option. By doing so, Cr3dOv3r focuses its search on the specified email or username and checks if it has been reused with the same password on other platforms.

Advanced Features of Cr3dOv3r

Cr3dOv3r offers several advanced features that can enhance its effectiveness in identifying credential reuse vulnerabilities. Let's explore some of these features −

Step 1 âˆ’ Use the `--pwned` flag to check if the email or username has been exposed in any data breaches. This can be done by running the following command âˆ’

python3 -email --pwned

Step 2 âˆ’ To view the available options and their descriptions, you can use the `-h` or `--help` flag. This provides a comprehensive list of options along with their explanations. Execute the following command to see the help menu âˆ’

python3 -h

In the above code snippets, we demonstrated two advanced features of Cr3dOv3r. The `--pwned` flag allows Cr3dOv3r to check if the specified email or username has been compromised in any known data breaches. This helps in identifying if the credentials have been exposed, which can be a significant security risk. Additionally, by using the `-h` or `--help` flag, you can access the help menu and obtain detailed information about the available options and their purposes.

Analyzing and Interpreting the Output

Understanding the output generated by Cr3dOv3r is crucial for extracting meaningful insights and identifying potential credential reuse vulnerabilities. Let's examine the different components of the output −

[+] Searching for public leaks for
[-] Leaked in 3 website(s) found!
   - Found: yes
   - Leaked Fields: ['email', 'password']
   - Found: no
   - Found: yes
   - Leaked Fields: ['email', 'password']

The above code output illustrates the result of a Cr3dOv3r scan for the email "" Cr3dOv3r discovered leaks in three websites. For example, it found that the email "" was leaked on and, with both platforms exposing the email and password fields. However, there was no leak found for the email on This information is crucial for identifying potential credential reuse vulnerabilities and taking appropriate actions to mitigate them.


In this tutorial, we explored Cr3dOv3r, a powerful credential reuse attack tool designed for Kali Linux. We covered the installation and setup process, basic usage, advanced features, and interpreting the output generated by Cr3dOv3r. By leveraging Cr3dOv3r effectively, security professionals and ethical hackers can identify instances of credential reuse, allowing them to address potential vulnerabilities and enhance the overall security of their systems. It is important to exercise caution and use tools like Cr3dOv3r responsibly, adhering to ethical guidelines and legal boundaries. Always ensure you have proper authorization before conducting security assessments or penetration testing. With the knowledge gained from this tutorial, you are well-equipped to utilize Cr3dOv3r effectively and bolster the security of your systems.

Note − It is crucial to use tools like Cr3dOv3r responsibly and with proper authorization. Always ensure you have the necessary permissions and adhere to legal and ethical guidelines when conducting security assessments or any form of penetration testing.

Updated on: 26-Jul-2023


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