A Practical Guide to Nmap in Kali Linux

As a network administrator or security analyst, it's important to have a thorough understanding of devices and services running on your network. One tool that can help you with this task is Nmap. In this article, we'll discuss what Nmap is and how to use it in Kali Linux.

What is Nmap?

Nmap is a popular network exploration and security auditing tool. It can be used to discover hosts and services on a computer network, as well as perform vulnerability scanning and port scanning. Nmap can be used on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X, and is freely available for download.

Nmap comes with a wide range of features, including ability to scan large networks and to detect open ports, operating systems, and other network services. tool can also be used to detect potential vulnerabilities in a network, such as weak passwords, outdated software, and misconfigured services.

Getting Started with Nmap

Before we start using Nmap in Kali Linux, let's first make sure that we have it installed. Open up a terminal window and type following command −

sudo apt-get install nmap

Once Nmap is installed, we can start using it to scan our network. basic syntax of Nmap is −

nmap [Scan Type] [Options] [Targets]

Scan Types

Nmap supports a variety of scan types, including −

Ping Scan (-sP)

This type of scan is used to determine which hosts are online and responsive on a network.

TCP SYN Scan (-sS)

This is most common type of Nmap scan. It sends SYN packets to each port on a target host and waits for a response.

UDP Scan (-sU)

This scan type is used to identify UDP services running on a target host.

Comprehensive Scan (-sC)

This type of scan combines a number of Nmap scripts to perform a thorough analysis of a target host.


Nmap also provides a number of options that can be used to customize a scan. Some of most common options include −

  • -p − This option can be used to specify which ports should be scanned.

  • -O − This option is used to identify operating system running on a target host.

  • -sV − This option is used to identify version of services running on a target host.

  • -v − This option can be used to increase verbosity of Nmap's output.


Finally, Nmap requires one or more targets to be specified. Targets can be specified using IP addresses, hostnames, or CIDR notation.


Let's take a look at some practical examples of how to use Nmap in Kali Linux.

Ping Scan

To perform a Ping Scan, use following command −

nmap -sP

This command will scan network and return a list of hosts that are online and responsive.


To perform a TCP SYN Scan, use following command:

nmap -sS

This command will scan target host ( and return a list of open ports.

UDP Scan

To perform a UDP Scan, use following command:

nmap -sU

This command will scan target host ( and return a list of UDP services running on open ports.

Comprehensive Scan

To perform a Comprehensive Scan, use following command −

nmap -sC

This command will perform a thorough analysis of target host (, including port scanning, service detection, and OS detection.

Custom Port Scan

To perform a scan of a specific port, use following command −

nmap -p 80

This command will scan port 80 on target host ( and return whether port is open or closed.

Operating System Detection

To detect operating system running on a target host, use following command −

nmap -O

This command will perform an OS detection scan on target host ( and return likely operating system running on device.

Service Version Detection

To detect version of a service running on a target host, use following command −

nmap -sV

This command will scan target host ( and return version of services running on open ports.

In addition to basic features of Nmap, tool also offers a range of advanced options and scripts that can be used to perform more comprehensive scans. Some of these advanced features include −

Script Scanning

Nmap has a large library of scripts that can be used to detect potential vulnerabilities in a target host. These scripts can be used in combination with other scan types to perform a comprehensive security analysis of a network.

OS Fingerprinting

Nmap can also be used to detect operating system running on a target host by analyzing responses to different packets sent to device. This information can be useful in identifying potential security risks associated with a specific operating system.

Stealth Scanning

Nmap can also be used to perform stealth scans, which are designed to avoid detection by firewalls or intrusion detection systems. These scans use techniques such as fragmented packet scanning or idle scanning to avoid triggering alarms.

While Nmap is a powerful tool, it's important to use it ethically and responsibly. Scanning networks without authorization can be illegal and can result in severe consequences. Before using Nmap on a network, be sure to obtain permission from network owner or administrator.

Nmap is a versatile tool that can be used for network exploration and security auditing. By using Nmap in Kali Linux, you can identify potential security risks on your network and take steps to mitigate them. However, it's important to use Nmap ethically and responsibly, and to obtain permission from appropriate parties before scanning a network.


Nmap is a powerful tool that can be used for network exploration and security auditing. It provides a range of features that can help network administrators and security analysts identify potential vulnerabilities in their network. By understanding basics of Nmap and how to use it in Kali Linux, you can take steps to ensure security of your network.

Updated on: 20-Apr-2023

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