Conversion to N*N tuple matrix in Python

When it is required to convert an N*N tuple into a matrix, a simple loop and the * operator can be used.

The * operator can be used to get the product of two values. It can also be used to multiple a single value multiple times and display it on the console.

Below is a demonstration of the same −


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my_tuple_1 = ((11, 14), (0, 78), (33, 11), (10, 78))

print("The tuple of tuple is : ")
N = 4
print("The value of N has been initialized to "+ str(N))

my_result = []
for tup in my_tuple_1 :
   my_result.append( tup +(0, ) * (N - len(tup)))
print("The tuple after filling in the values is: ")


The tuple of tuple is :
((11, 14), (0, 78), (33, 11), (10, 78))
The value of N has been initialized to 4
The tuple after filling in the values is:
[(11, 14, 0, 0), (0, 78, 0, 0), (33, 11, 0, 0), (10, 78, 0, 0)]


  • A nested tuple is defined and is displayed on the console.
  • The value of 'N' is defined, and displayed.
  • Another empty list is created.
  • The nested tuple is iterated, and 0 is added after every value, and repeated 'N- len(tuple)' times.
  • This is assigned to a value.
  • It is displayed on the console.

Updated on: 12-Mar-2021


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