Challenges and Solutions in Maintaining Large-Scale IT Projects

IT project managers are the binding agents for all aspects of any large-scale project in an organization. With the right guidance, information technology teams manage complex projects and develop technologies to streamline workflow and communication effectively. Managing an IT project is twice as difficult, and there is a huge risk of failure with such large-scale operations. There are some common challenges that project managers face while managing such large IT projects. In this article, we shall look into the different challenges witnessed by managers when working on large IT projects and possible solutions to clear such roadblocks.

Large IT Projects and Their Scope

IT project management includes the planning and execution of information technology for handling complex data. It focuses on developing information security, hardware and software, communications, networks, and mobile applications. According to a study by McKinsey & Co. at the University of Oxford, it was derived that large-scale IT projects of $15 million or more are prone to going over budget by 45% and having a 56% lower expected outcome, even after operating 7% overtime on average.

Managing an IT project requires software and technology, which are often not feasible for organizations due to budgetary restrictions. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), the Internet of Things (IoT), and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) require the team to devote time to training in such skills. Working with stakeholders from different geographical and time zones also puts a strain on the smooth functioning of IT projects.

Challenges in Managing Large-Scale IT Projects

The challenges embedded with managing IT projects have changed over time, with different external factors influencing the change. However, the constraints relating to budget, skillset, and time management remain attached to IT projects. Some challenges associated with managing large-scale IT projects are −

Lack Of Clarity

Clear objectives are required to achieve the desired success in any project. IT projects struggle with poor outcomes due to a lack of clarity on the objectives and related requirements. It is difficult for an IT project manager to get all internal and external stakeholders on the same page to gather detailed information. The reason behind such unclear expectations is the geographical distance and complexity of the project.

Poor Communication System

Communication is an essential aspect of any business. Managing IT projects often faces poor communication issues with the clients and the information technology teams. There is a language barrier between the two parties as IT project managers communicate in technical terms that are difficult for internal and external clients to decipher. Hence, it is crucial to communicate the business proceedings in simple terms to bring all parties on the same page. IT projects also require a constant flow of project updates from top to bottom management to keep everyone in the loop of the project's progress.

Inadequate Team Skills

To keep up with the latest technologies, information technology projects necessitate the use of skilled minds. IT projects involve the use of various software and technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR). A lack of skilled employees to manage such technology can put clients and ongoing projects in jeopardy. Unskilled subordinates can also cause a loss of resources to the organization in their quest to manage complicated technologies.

Lack Of Accountability

In an IT project, one person's tasks are sometimes dependent on their coworkers. Without proper accountability, project management teams can go off track and face delays in executing the tasks. Project managers need to have regular meetings to understand if any of their employees are running behind schedule. Official interactions can also help foster accountability and keep the project on track.

Poor Risk Management

IT projects are prone to failure due to their complex nature. Managing an IT project needs a detailed plan with contingency plans for any roadblocks that the project manager must face. Without proper planning, managers cannot handle the pressure that comes with maintaining large-scale IT projects.

Limited Inputs From External Stakeholders

IT projects involve data on multiple levels. The external stakeholders need to attend all meetings and stay in the loop on official communications relating to the project. Often, IT projects have low stakeholder involvement. This results in a delay in the project as deliverables and decisions are not approved as per the scheduled deadline.

Solutions to Overcome the Bottlenecks In Managing An IT Project

Simple solutions can help a project manager resolve the different bottlenecks faced in a complicated IT project. Some common solutions to fix the challenges in an IT project are −

Developing A Comprehensive Project Plan

A comprehensive project plan can provide a roadmap for the project and help ensure that all stakeholders know their responsibilities. The plan should include milestones, objectives, a budget, a timeline, and other details.

Establishing Clear Communication Channels

Establishing clear and consistent communication channels between stakeholders and project teams can help ensure that all parties are kept up-to-date on the project's progress and any changes.

Utilizing Automation and Software Solutions

Automating certain processes and utilizing specialized software solutions can help reduce manual labor and errors while also providing visibility into the project's status.

Building a Project Team with Diverse Skills

A diverse project team with a variety of skills can help ensure that tasks are completed efficiently and with quality.

Utilizing Agile Methodologies

Agile methodologies can help ensure that projects adapt quickly to new requirements and changes.

Regularly Reviewing Project Performance

Regularly reviewing the progress of the project can help identify any issues and allow for corrective action to be taken.

Project Management Tools That Can Help in Maintaining IT Projects

Alongside the everyday solutions to keep the projects on track, several project management tools can be used to maintain complex projects efficiently. Some of the tools are, namely,

  • Project Management Software − Project management software helps streamline processes, enabling teams to collaborate efficiently, communicate better, and track progress. Asana, Basecamp,, and Trello are examples of popular project management software.

  • Collaboration Tools − Collaboration tools allow teams to communicate, share documents, and store files. Popular collaboration tools include Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, and Skype.

  • Task Management Tools − Task management tools help teams track tasks and prioritize workloads. Popular task management tools include Wrike, Jira, and Asana.

  • Time Tracking Tools − Time tracking tools help teams track the time spent on tasks and projects. Popular time-tracking tools include Toggl, Harvest, and Clockify.

  • Document Management Systems − Document management systems store, share and track documents. Popular document management systems include Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box.

  • Data Analysis Tools − Data analysis tools help teams analyze data to make better decisions. Popular data analysis tools include Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, and Google Data Studio.


Managing complex IT projects requires a high level of technical and organizational skills. The project manager must be able to understand the complexities of the project and the technology involved, as well as be able to manage the resources, timeline, budget, and stakeholders. To do this, the project manager must have strong communication and leadership skills, as well as an understanding of the technology and how it works.

Updated on: 16-Jan-2023


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