IoT Asset Tracking Solutions for Portable Sanitation Challenges

The fact is that portable restrooms are a serious business that is been taken for granted. Without them, no event, outdoor campus, or construction site could run safely. The portable sanitation sector is also primed for considerable growth when buildings and events pick up after pandemic lockdowns. According to the Grandview Research analysis, the researchers can predict the toilet rental industry that is portable. At a GAGR (compound annual growth rate), it can expand by more than 7% till 2030. This, in fact, implies a very successful business model, growing the importance of asset-tracking portable sanitation.

Naturally, not all site service providers will benefit from this expansion. Sanitation unit rental has always been a challenging industry. In the coming boom years, the firms best able to address these issues will prevail, and IoT asset tracking technology offers the tools portable sanitation companies require to expand.

Limitations With Portable Sanitation And IoT Solutions

Site services can be profitable, but sustaining success requires safeguarding your assets, and the provider suffers a direct financial hit if even one portable restroom or soap dispenser is lost. Traditional procedures also have many inefficiencies built into them, from route planning to keeping service records.

The portable sanitation issues can be resolved by implementing tracking technologies using tracking tags, data connectivity, and data platforms and linking networks together. How does it work? Read on.

Routes Can Be Simplified to Remove Inefficiency

Tags for asset tracking do more than merely monitor your portable restrooms. They can also highlight service and delivery trucks, generating valuable information about their routes. The data reveals inefficiencies that increase the cost of labor, gasoline, and other expenses.

In the site services sector, where managers must continuously balance long-term service locations with ever-changing event rentals, route planning is a significant difficulty. With asset monitoring solutions, you may instantly change routing by visualizing better routes based on the actual driver locations. Overall, the operation becomes more effective as a result.

Using Better Record-Keeping to Reduce Costly Errors

You can't provide outstanding service without new service records, so renting a unit is the first step. Site service businesses also invest extensively in maintaining portable restrooms. Drivers commit errors, and records aren't always accurate, which can result in missed cleanings and dissatisfied clients.

Select an IoT platform that combines asset tracking with automated record-keeping to eliminate the need for technicians to manually maintain records while out in the field. Here's how it operates − A unit is serviced by your personnel, and a tracker recognizes the unit's tag on your truck, instantly recording the visit (and its length). That makes your employees more productive and results in cleaner records and restrooms.

Finding Units, Regardless of Customer Movement

Construction locations change frequently. Regardless of what your contract states, clients occasionally choose to move your units. How do you maintain a portable toilet that you can't find? With the right IoT systems, drivers can find these assets on a mobile app.

By doing so, time won't be spent on potentially pointless searches, and valuable service is guaranteed regardless of consumer behavior.

Using Real-Time Field Data to Improve Workflow Visibility

What you cannot perceive cannot be improved. A full-service IoT platform combines a few technologies for the site services sector to deliver broad insights through real-time data. This is how it goes −

  • All your equipment, including restrooms, sinks, and hand sanitizer dispensers, is tracked by asset tracking tags.

  • Readers connect workers and tagged units on delivery and service trucks. These portable data readers locate the last known location of the tag, identify tagged units, and alert users when they are nearby. They also note which vehicle made touch last.

  • Helpful information on your devices, such as the device’s location and search history, can be collected using a cloud-based platform.

Protecting The Portable Sanitation Industry From Theft And Vandalism

Portable toilets made of primary polyethylene typically cost around $800. Theft is a worry when dealing with such a valuable asset. You can weigh or chain down your units, but it will only be slightly inconvenient to a determined burglar. In an ideal world, you could locate your property and find out who was to blame for its loss.

With the help of IoT devices and networks, asset-tracking platforms can get the location of each tagged unit. Those networks are cellular networks, GPS, or Global Observation Networks.

A well-designed IoT ecosystem can give complete 360-degree access and all-around performance to your organization. It doesn't matter how big the service area is. This enables you to address fresh difficulties as they present themselves and put the old ones to rest. Low-cost IoT asset tracking gives businesses the advantages they need to compete as the market for site services expands. This is a complete go decision because the cost can be as low as $2 per month for modern IoT asset-tracking ownership.

You can get the most out of your IT and non-IT assets by logging and tracking them in one location. All of the above technology is centralized to connect to all IoT networks and gives max output. Create unique asset statuses in advance, specify cost and depreciation information, automate routine scans of certain assets, and monitor the state of each asset.


This is just the beginning! The asset tracking technology will contribute a lot to the Internet of Things tracking. Also helpful in notifying when the tank filling machine completely fills the tank by weight sensors. The accelerometer attached to the bathroom door can give very accurate usage statistics. Hence these IoT sensors are very helpful in serving customers. Rather than only notifying when the delivery truck comes around simply, it can give much more information whenever and wherever needed. With the help of IoT devices, we can watch out for statistics and produce data that can be used by customers to enhance their company’s operations.

Updated on: 29-Dec-2022


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