Can you provide the right stimulation programs for babies?

Early Stimulation 0 to 2 Months

  • Baby develops a sense of bonding when held close and cuddled.

  • Mother's milk is a complete baby food.

  • Hang brightly colored objects across the crib.

  • Proper covering helps to prevent heat loss in the newborn period.

Early Stimulation 2 to 4 Months

  • Baby should be carried astride (legs separated).

  • Maintain eye contact while talking with your baby.

  • Sound producing toys are appropriate for this age.

  • Place objects just out of reach of the baby's hands. Stimulate him/her to reach out and grasp it.

Early Stimulation 4 to 6 Months

  • A child starts taking semi-solid food.

  • Encourage babbling.

  • Allow your baby to move freely.

  • Shake a bell or a squeaky toy over his head. Encourage him/her to turn his/her head and find the sound.

Early Stimulation 6 to 8 Months

  • Help the baby to develop a sense of identity.

  • Start calling your baby by his/her name.

  • Banging toys such as pots, drums, or pans can be given at this age.

Early Stimulation 8 to 10 Months

  • Showing picture books and talking to baby promotes language development.

  • Bring your baby's buttocks on to his heels with the upper part of his/her body erect. Show him/her a toy at shoulder level.

  • Play peek-a-boo with your baby.

  • Encourage a child to stand on by holding on to the furniture.

Early Stimulation 10 to 12 Months

  • When your child expresses his/her anger, divert the attention of your child and be supportive.

  • Balls of different sizes, puppets, dolls, push and pull toys, small containers, rocking toys, pegboards, etc. can be given.

  • Family members should participate in child's play.

  • Baby expresses his/her joy by performing rhythmic actions like clapping hands.

Early Stimulation 12 to 15 Months

  • Give your baby two or three blocks of different sizes to stack and knock down.

  • Look out of the window. Talk about what the weather is like.

  • Give baby picture books that have heavy cardboard pages.

  • Encourage your baby to scribble by drawing a few lines.

  • A child shows interest in learning about body parts.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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